
Article by Sandy Walden

The theory is that as a holistic life coach and Reiki master, I won't experience frustration. Yeah, right.

There is a situation with someone in my family that could easily drive me nuts. The particulars are not really all that important. Regarding most issues, I only add my thoughts if they are solicited. This is really a hard and fast rule regarding my children, especially since they are all grown and have every right to make their own decisions. When I keep my opinion to myself until it's actually asked for, they give it more weight, take it more seriously and actually ask for it quite often.

So, why am I having such a hard time keeping my yap shut this time? This person is simply dragging his feet, refusing to act on a matter that could affect his finances for the rest of his life, and not in a good way. It's not that he doesn't have options, he does and they are readily available. He's simply not taking any action.

If I were my own life coaching client how would I handle this as my coach? Well, I'd probably start by asking a few direct questions.

Q - What is it that you think you can resolve by constantly bringing up thissituation.A - I would like to motivate him to take positive steps toward resolving thissituation.Q - Do you have the ability to change the outcome of this situation?A - NoQ - Is it your responsibility to handle this situation?A - NoQ - Have you expressed your concern in a calm, rational manner to the personinvolved?A - YesQ - What is likely to be the affect on your relationship if you keep bringing thisup this subject?A - He will stop asking for my advice regarding other situations.Q - In general, is he responsible? Does he handle his finances and other 'grown up'responsibilities well?A - Yes, he's generally very responsible.

That last one just wrapped up the question and answer session done for me. The fact is that he is a generally responsible young man, and even if he weren't, my forcing my opinion on him will not assist him to learn more respo! nsibilit y.

The truth is that I am the one bringing on my own frustration. I have explored options with him, shown him the benefits and the drawbacks, now it's up to him to make the decision that is right for him.

I truly have no way of knowing what is in his mind and heart. And it's none of my business even if I did. It's time to trust, back off and relax. Sometimes we need to allow others to make mistakes on their own. If he makes a mistake regarding this situation it will be something that he has to deal with, but it may well prevent him from making a much larger mistake in the future.

So, having worked through this, I feel the frustration melting away. I will trust him to make the right decision for his highest good. I have asked him if he minds my sending Reiki to him to help him to make the decision that will serve him the best and then let it go. He's agreed and I feel as though I am doing what I can to assist him without interfering.

Truly, that's the only option I have anyway.

My wish for you is that you are able to take positive action steps to change situations that are yours to change. And that you are able to relinquish those that were never yours to begin with.


About the Author

A holistic life coach and Reiki master, Sandy divides her time between Milwaukee and Oxford, Wisconsin. Her passion is to work with people and animals to find the focus and balance in their lives.

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