Reiki Brings Harmony to Body, Mind and Spirit

Article by Louisa Coan

Since thousands of years before the time of Christ or even of Buddha, Reiki has been an effective form of healing with the hands. This gentle, yet effective form of therapy had its beginnings in India. Reiki is a natural-hands-on healing technique that summons the mind, body and spirit of an individual and calls upon that persons• natural power to heal and remain well. When a person has a hands-on Reiki treatment, it clears all physical, spiritual, and emotional blocks and leaves the person feeling relaxed, integrated and whole. Reiki has not always been called Reiki; however, its exact history is unknown because of the ancient practice of keeping an oral history. Reiki disappeared for some period of time, but dates and facts surrounding this phenomenon are not exact. Stories and facts blended and changed as time passed and thoughts were passed from person to person. One thing is well-known today. Reiki was rediscovered and popularized in Japan by a monk who was also a doctor. His name was Dr. Mikao Usui. It was he who gave Reiki its current name. Reiki is the Japanese term for • universal life force• . There are two ways to pronounce this word. In Japan they use the long I sound and say RI-KEE. In the west, we use a long A sound and say RA-KEE. As Reiki has become more and more popular in the western world, the meaning of the term has been broadened to include the concept of omnipresence. This concept introduces the idea of a higher power or one who is constantly present in all places. In esoteric terms, Reiki refers to the concept of consciousness of spirit and the notion that spirit is the manifestation of God in the self. The term • ki• refers to the spiritual vitality that gives all living beings the spark of life. It may seem that we are saying that • ki• is synonymous with soul, and in many ways it is; however, • ki• is even more than that. It is the essence or seed of the soul. The concept of the seed of the soul or • ki• is present in almost every culture. Furt! hermore, it is almost universally understood that the well-being of the soul adds to the well-being of the body. Those who are healthy in body will feel the results in well-being of the soul or • ki• and vice versa. Receiving Reiki treatments regularly helps seekers to maintain perfect balance of mind, body and spirit, while strengthening the immune system and helping the seeker to avoid and ward off illness. A healthy mind, body and spirit promote a healthy immune system, so the more at peace a person is, the healthier s/he will be. A person who is stressed and unhappy will feel sick in spirit or have low • ki• . This can cause a compromised immune system and susceptibility to illness. A person with a negative attitude will also negatively impact the energy of the soul or • ki• . This too, can compromise the immune system.

About the Author

Louisa Coan is writing for Christi Reiki Masters, who are reiki masters offering you holistic healing treatments and courses. They also offer Reiki Bristol and Bristol massage

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