Do You Follow a Holistic Skin Care Regimen?

Article by Tara Mathews

What is holistic skin care? If you do not know, then chances are you are not practicing it. It means that you are not using chemicals or synthetic products on your skin. You are using natural creams and lotions. Even natural products have some chemicals in them because the natural ingredients need to be processed. However, the natural products do not contain harmful additives.Some of the name brand creams and lotions contain ingredients that can cause harm to your skin. Some products even contain substances that can be toxic to your skin. This includes parabens and dioxane. This wonderful substance is used as a foaming agent and is found is some cosmetic products. Parabens are preservatives that are added to prolong the shelf life of the cream or lotion. It is a potential cancer-causing agent. It has been found in the breast tissue of women with breast cancer. Although inconclusive as to whether it caused the cancer, it is still a good idea to avoid using any products that contain it.A good holistic skin care routine is one that combines natural creams and lotions with a healthy lifestyle. Quite a few factors can influence the appearance of your skin. Smoking is not only bad for the inside of your body, it also bad for your skin as well. It can cause premature lines and wrinkles to form. The suns ultra violet rays are very bad for our skin. They can cause lines, wrinkles and age spots to appear. In addition, more serious issues such as skin cancer is also a concern. If you are out in the sun, you should protect yourself with a sunscreen of at least a rating of SPF 15.Eating the proper food is also a part of a holistic skin care routine. The old saying goes 'you are what you eat' and it is very true. Fatty foods and processed foods are not healthy for your body or your skin. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables are very healthy for your skin. Some are rich in antioxidants, which helps to heal the body from free radicals.

If you would like more information on holistic skin care! ingredi ents, then please visit my website today.

About the Author

Tara Mathews is an advocate for using organic skin care products. Her plan is to educate people on how to find the best natural skincare. Visit our site for more information today! Tara Mathews


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