Abundance Prosperity Reiki

Article by Patsy Hamilton

The Abundance Prosperity Reiki group has some different practices than other groups. While the teachings of all Reiki groups are similar on a fundamental level, there are many differences. It seems to have been that way since Master Usui began teaching the art.

Some groups will tell you that "their" Reiki is best for one reason or another. For instance the Abundance Prosperity Reiki group suggests that two of the symbols they use promote the balance of male/female.

This may remind you of the Chinese yin and yang, but there are similar ideas in Ayurvedic medicine which originates in India. These symbols were obviously not used by Master Usui, since Abundance Prosperity Reiki was not founded until 1998 and Usui died in 1926, according to the English translation of a memorial to the man.

But, that does not mean that he would not have approved of the use of other symbols. According to written manuals, some of his first students made changes and additions to the healing art, how it should be used and how it should be taught. For example, it is known that Dr. Hayashi added the twelve hand positions and it was he who taught Mrs. Takata, the woman who introduced Reiki to the United States.

Historically speaking, there are only a few facts that we know about Reiki as it was originally taught. The memorial that now stands in a graveyard at the Jodo shu Saihoji Temple in Tokyo provides us with a little information about the life of Master Usui, but translation has been difficult.

Each symbol in the Japanese written language can mean several things. Even the Japanese calendar is quite different from the calendars used in the West, so dates are sometimes confused and don't always "add up".

Over the years, people have taught that Master Usui was a Christian, a Hindu or a Buddhist. He may have been Shinto, since it was the state religion of Japan during the years that Usui lived. The symbols added by the Abundance Prosperity Reiki group are said to invoke Hindu deities.

Acco rding to the memorial, Usui traveled to Europe, China and America to study. There is no mention of specific religious practices, although the memorial does say that he traveled to Kurama Yama to undergo "rigorous spiritual discipline" and often refers to Usui's "Spiritual Method" of healing.

It really makes no difference which form of Reiki you choose to study. They all work. They can work with any religious beliefs or no religious beliefs. You can learn new symbols and add them to your practice if you want. Undoubtedly, you should learn the basics before you pay the fees to join the Abundance Prosperity Reiki group.

To learn more about the basics, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.

About the Author

Patsy Hamilton was a health care provider for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki. Read more at http://understanding-reiki.com.


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