Is Believing Mean Having Blind Faith?

Article by Nicole Lanning

Believing is having blind faith. This was a statement once told to me by a non-believer. I was once asked if something was true or not. Now this had to do with crystal healing, which many of you know that I love to use and work with in my daily life as well as my professional life and upcoming book. But this person was a big skeptic. They said how could you possibly believe in something if you have no facts to base it on. Well this is where faith comes in to play. But still they questioned. I was told that believing in something without facts and a basis for it was blind faith and this was completely stupid, in this person's wording, not my own.

I asked them in they believed in anything out there in the world or otherwise at all. They said of course, they believed in things that they could see, feel, hear, and touch. And that is a wonderful trait that almost all of us have, but what about believing in the unknown. Absolutely not they informed me, as this again would be foolish and stupid.

Now let's break this down, as I was not asking this person to believe in Santa Claus or something, but the concept is still behind it. It believes in something you cannot always see. Seeing is not believing, believing is seeing! What do you think having faith is? Believing in the cold hard facts? That is not faith. That is already proven. Having faith is believing in something you cannot prove or disprove but believe it is real to yourself because it resonates within you. Not everyone's beliefs are going to be the same and that is perfectly acceptable as we are all on our own spiritual pathway through life.

Just because you cannot see how crystal-healing works doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It seems means that your eyes and brain are not capable of understanding and seeing on the physical plane how this interprets into something that can heal your physical body. Crystals heal on a vibrational and energy field level. All of us are composed of energy and vibrate at different levels. Crystals wor! k within the energy fields surrounding us, known as auras, and can stimulate the negative and stagnant area that is causing our physical body a problem and turn this energy into a flowing and positive form all within their own healing attributes.

Just because we cannot see it doesn't mean it doesn't exists or happen. Let's use another example with the ocean and its depths. Have you ever been to the bottom of the ocean? I mean the true true bottom! There has got to be one point somewhere in all of the oceans that reaches to the deepest point on Earth. Have you ever been there? Have you ever even seen a picture of it? Probably not, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or it is not there. All that means is that your awareness has not been expanded enough to know about it yet. Once we open up our awareness and expansion to different areas, we are not being foolish or stupid by believing in something we cannot see, we are simply opening ourselves up to the possibility that it can rightfully exist and happen for us.

So take a few moments each day and try to think of some new and exciting possibilities you might want to expand your awareness about and see where it takes you in your life! You will be pleasantly surprised!

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at

Many Blessings and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

About the Author

Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

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