Psychics Therapy As An Alternative To Psychiatrist Sessions

Article by Carlenemiyashiro

This is a form of alternative therapy which combines ideas of psychotherapy and spiritual guidance. Under these circumstances, therapy is administered by a psychic practitioner. It is said that the practitioner is able to see your inner being and make determination whether you will need the therapy or not. After the determinations, the practitioner will then will guide the patient with principles that guide psychotherapy sessions. This means the practitioner is able to used medically recognized psychiatry in equal measure with spiritualism to offer sessions to the patient.

This form of alternative treatment has never found favor in medicine because practices used by spiritualist are unclear and have no scientific basis. One such therapy and one that happens to be so popular with psychics is called Crystal Healing. In this therapy, gems are rubbed on the patient and also worn on the body close to the heart. They argue that by wearing the gems close vital energy centers of the body known as chakra. They facilitate cleansing, healing and stabilizing of energy emanating from each gem. For this purpose the gems are placed next to its corresponding chakra. Chakra is colored and so a gem with the corresponding color is placed next to it. Common colors used are red , orange, yellow blue ,violet and even indigo.

The first step towards being a powerhouse is by building your power of attention. All you need to do is to believe that the power resides within you and the set out to unleash it by applying energy, attention, dedication and affection to it. It is worth noting that the mind acts only on what it believes is possible. This means that if you believe you are important your mind will work towards helping you realize that importance. The power of meditation is another step in unleashing the power within. Effective meditation is a link into the mystical and the divine. You must first go within yourself before going out into the world. Meditation is an art that requires a lot of dedication an! d discip line to learn in order to achieve amazing results as far as your body, mind and spirit is concerned.

This therapy, they would argue helps in restoring the natural flow of energy that help the patient to shake off negative habits, attitudes and other vices that might cause the patient to fall ill.

Psychics and advocates of this crystal healing argue that healing report lowers mental stress levels, better health and spiritual refinement. But on the other hand, putting on materials that contain metal while undergoing this therapy is greatly discouraged. It is argued that the metals stop the flow of energy. Whether or not effective, its important to note that a good percentage of people would prefer to have this kind of session as they claim it goes to a great to help them get better.

About the Author

More information on psychics is available on They offer information on psychics tips, as well as psychicforbeginners


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