Allow Your Body Repair Itself Using Reiki and Massage Solutions

Article by Eva Rose

Quite often you will see Reiki therapeutic massage which will naturally make you think they are similar. Actually, they are two different therapies, but a lot of times a massage therapist will combine the two approaches. The translation of Reiki is, universal life force energy, and that provides a clue about what this technique is really all about. Actually, the same identical elements that can be discovered in Eastern martial arts as well as yoga are also important in Reiki. Yoga is heavily inspired by the belief of the seven chakras, or energy centers, and those are essential with Reiki massage therapy, also. The basis for health with this and various other therapies and treatments is dependant on the healthy flow of life sustaining energy in the body.

What Reiki therapy will do is bring about complete calm and peace throughout the body so tension is released. So it is easy to understand why Reiki is often combined with massage therapy so the chakras may be more open and healthy. Knowing how to be calm and peaceful will contribute to the body's capacity to affect healing on its own. It is no hidden knowledge that a healthy body is able to defending itself and building a healthful and strong state of being. One fundamental principle of Reiki healing entails the concept of reaching balance. After improvement has been made, next we must work to keep our energy flow balanced at all times.

Western medical science has long identified the role of an excessive amount of pressure and the failure to deal with it as precursors to many illnesses. Many Eastern health experts will observe many of these scenarios as having a state of imbalance. Needless to say other actions may worsen these unbalanced states such as poor eating habits and using unhealthy things. Reiki and massage are frequently used to bring the body into a more peaceful state. The technique is to use this massage in particular locations so the tension can be eliminated.

There exists an intriguing parallel between these Reik! i princi ples and acupuncture. Each of the two techniques are focused on encouraging the circulation of life force, of energy, in the body. Any time a disease state develops, or even an emotional or psychological difficulty, then it is a result of the disruption of this energy flow. The diminished amounts of life energy signifies a state of imbalance and will ultimately lead to physical or other conditions. We all realize that it seems typical for people to interact in all manner of distressing and unhealthy thinking and thought patterns. Let's have several examples, and they are irritability, worries, fearfulness, depression, anger, etc.

That is the reason why the dual approach of supporting relaxation through massage plus the energy work from Reiki can be successful for many people. Of course, not all individuals are open to Eastern philosophies as they concern well being and healing. But people are all different, and Reiki plus massage will not have an appeal which is reasonable. Reiki therapeutic massage presents a strategic approach which suggests you should apply it on-going in your overall pursuit of health.

About the Author

Eva's websites: Professional Courier, Professional Courier Tracking, Short Hair Cuts for Women and Southwestern Airlines.


The original piece is one hour in lenght. Here are the last seven minutes of the CD, 'Light Touch'. Artist is Merlin's Magic.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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