How To Open Up Your Awareness

Article by Nicole Lanning

So many people talk about awareness, enlightenment and being more open, but what really is this to the average person, or for that fact even one who is more aware than others? Let's imagine a tiny pinpoint dot on the screen right now. No bigger then a pinhead. See how tiny that is to look at. Now imagine that pinpoint is your awareness. I know you are probably thinking I have much more awareness in my physical consciousness then just that. But the thing is, we do not use our full capacity of our brains. We only use a very small portion of what we could possibly use.

So back to the pinpoint, each and every time you open yourself up to something new in life, no matter what this topic is about, that awareness gets just a tiny bit bigger. Each and every time! Now could you imagine if you just opened yourself up to something new once a month, just one new thing ever 30 days, how big that pin point would be in 12 months or even 24 months.

Now opening yourself up to something new isn't just acknowledging that it is there. You have to embrace the entire subject and its good and bad points in full to get a real scoop of what is going on. So let's use crystal healing for example. You start your month out picking up a book and learning how crystal healing can help your body. You read the book and understand a bit more. Now the pinpoint has gotten a tiny bit bigger.

But let's say the next day you decide to try out the different ways to pick your own crystals and follow your intuition. You go to your local holistic store and give it a try. You find ones that feel right for you and bring them home. You just opened up that pinpoint a bit more.

The next day you decide to cleanse and program them. You go through the steps and don't know if you are doing it right or if it even works but you are at least trying. Your pinpoint has opened up a little more.

By this time you have already opened your awareness and you are even more intrigued by the topic. So you decide to work with some d! ifferent healing tips and see what happens. Your pinpoint opens up even more.

The more you do the more awareness you bring to your own physical consciousness. This is not a hard concept, but a lot of people seem to be confused on how to bring awareness about to themselves or others. Start sharing, expanding your knowledge and learning as much as you possibly can about everything in life. You want to grow within the positive aspects and let the negative and stagnant ones bounce off of your positive vibrational awareness while learning. Give it a try, as the worst thing that could possibly happen is you gain more knowledge and increase the size of your own pinpoint.

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at

Many Blessings and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

About the Author

Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

Crystal Dictionary: Rose Quartz

The third video of my Crystal Dictionary series. In this video, I discuss ROSE QUARTZ, the "Love Stone" and its uses. Questions or comments? Feel free! )O( BB Laura

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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