Expect the Unexpected: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, January 25, 2012

Hello and good morning
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Blessings to you
My intention today, Expect the Unexpected

You say it will never happen
Nothing good will come of that
I get nothing in return
No gratitude you say
I never win; I never make it to that
Give yourself some slack
Expect the unexpected
Expect the goodness in life
Expect the prize
Expect you're alive!
Expect goodness in the day
As you practice gratitude, I say
That attitude, it's all good
Always lucky you see
The harder I work
The luckier I be
Expect what you thought you couldn't have
What you thought it wouldn't be
What you thought life wouldn't see
Expect perfection in the day
And remember it's what you think and say
Expect God's gift this day
Then you'll get it and you'll play
With love do I say, expect the unexpected!
And you will see it's all within thee
What you thought you feared, it comes to be
Now let go and you will see
Everything you expect, it comes to be
Now blessings I see
I know God's gift is this day; it's all good I say
Love, Dr. Rob

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Quadratus Lumborum Stretch

Neuromuscular Therapist Sam Visnic from www.endyourbackpainnow.com teaches how to get an effective quadratus lumborum stretch and exercise for the quadratus lumborum muscle.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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