What is Pranic Healing?

Article by James Lunden

The ancient Sanskrit word for life force was known as "prana." It was believed that this life force was not something that was exclusive to mankind, but that it was something that existed in massive amounts in nature, although it has always been invisible to our human eyes. Dozens of different cultures throughout the centuries have believed in this natural aura of life energy, although it has gone by many different names, depending on who you ask.

The main elements that combine to make up prana of the same elements that natural science is understood for centuries to the sources of life itself. Wind, water, and sunlight, just to name a few. Believers in pranic healing have always been of the impression that while it is easily possible to throw the body's natural energy fields out of balance, that the body is sensitive to the subtle changes. As a result, it is possible to replenish parts of the body's natural energy that are lacking.

There are many different types of prana, and each variety corresponds to a different natural energy field put off by a specific organ of the human body. It follows logically, therefore, that the ancients would believe that any sort of illness that befell one of these organs must have had something to do with a lack of energy in that aspect of a person's prana.

It was in this way that experts in pranic healing or able to diagnose exactly how to treat illnesses in ancient cultures, and this is a tradition that continued even into modern times in some parts of the world. Once a specific course of treatment had been diagnosed by an expert, it was up to the person who was suffering from the imbalance of energy to do the rest.

It was believed that exposure to the fundamental elements of nature could help to provide the body with the specific type of energy that it may be lacking. Once a person's energy reserves have been restored, it was believed that whatever organ was functioning abnormally was slowly begin to return to a natural state of being.


Prani c healing is deeply seated in the belief that the mind holds great control over the body, and that the influence of our consciousness and will can affect our health just as easily as it can affect the activity of our limbs. Therefore, a proper healing session is also going to include a lot of visualization. If you have ever seen this type of natural healing actually taking place, you might remark that looks awful lot like a traditional yoga session, or something resembling tai chi. Slowly controlled movements are necessary to help to focus the mind, and serves to open up the energy channels through which the healing power of nature can flow.

Although visualization is important, more advanced techniques are going to require spiritual tools such as crystals, which serve to focus the energy of the body. A profound belief is required in order for any type of real result to occur, and anybody that is thinking about starting pranic healing has to remember that an open mind set is crucial to success.

About the Author

Find out more about pranic healing and read articles on natural therapy.


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