Healing With America's Lost Mineral

Article by Tiza

There is an extremely important mineral missing from the modern-day diet, a mineral that is involved in over 325 enzyme reactions in our bodies, and more that are yet to be discovered. Without the proper amount of this extremely important mineral, we can suffer from many life-threatening illnesses and conditions such as strokes, heart attacks, type 2 diabetes and hypertension, just to name a few. The name of America's lost mineral is Magnesium, which around 80 percent of Americans are deficient.

Basically, without magnesium, there is no life.

Did you know that Americans suffer from excess calcium? Much of the problem is with magnesium-deficient soil, plus calcium-rich foods. Calcium is also added to many foods, drinks and supplements without the proper balance of magnesium. When a magnesium product is added, it's usually a very cheap form, and you will not gain much, if any, benefit. Magnesium must be there to control the function of calcium. Calcium is important in your muscles because it causes them to contract. Magnesium causes them to relax. Too much calcium will cause your muscles to spasm or twitch. Magnesium is there to eliminate the effects of calcium after it has done its job. So magnesium rids the calcium before it can crystallize, which in turn can cause you serious problems.

Magnesium is a natural calcium-channel blocker. It's a natural statin. Magnesium lowers triglycerides. It raises HDL, the good cholesterol.

There are so many conditions that can be helped if a person will supplement with the proper form of magnesium.

Note: Keep in mind, though, if you have kidney disease, are on dialysis, you must ask your doctor.

Following is a list of various conditions that can be helped with supplementing magnesium:

Blood clots, depression and anxiety, asthma, insomnia, liver disease, kidneys (before disease), nerve problems, panic attacks, hypertension, diabetes, hypoglycemia, back pain.

And for gynecology, the list will include premenstrual! syndrom e, dysmenorrhea (cramping pain during menses), infertility, premature contractions, preeclampsia, and eclampsia in pregnancy, lessens the risk of cerebral palsy and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

There is more, but this is a pretty good list for starters. Magnesium actually serves so many metabolic functions in our bodies. More about this important mineral is found out daily.

How do I personally know about the benefits of magnesium? Well, I have had a bad back since my 20s, and I'm in my late 50s now. Since 2007, my back has steadily improved since I started the type of magnesium that I am presently taking. I consider it to be a miracle, and can honestly tell you that it was my lost mineral.

About the Author

Married for 35 years to a wonderful husband, have two beautiful granddaughters. I love studying the Bible, health issues, and hope that this will help others. I have a blog called Jigsaw Health Fan. http://jigsawhealthfan.blogspot.com/

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