Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, December 30, 2011

I take a breath and count it up
To see the gift of breath in thee
Breath one, in again
Breath two, in again
Breath three, in again
The light comes in again
As I walk the garden life
I take a breath and count again
One, two, three… up again
The energy of life touches all again
In one, in two, in three, all up again
With the breath I take in thee
For you and me are the gift I see
In one and now I be
Always up, up, up
The garden of life is all in me
Now with the breath I see thee
The light touches all, for me to be
In one, in two, in three
A simple thought is me
In one, in two, in three
Breath, mantra, vibration, motion
All in me, from the light of thee
Breath one, in again
Breath two, in again
Breath three, in again
The light comes in again
As I walk the garden life
I take a breath and count again
Love of life is the key in thee
Simply count it up, there you be
Namaste and with love
Dr. Rob


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5 FAKE "Health" Foods To Boycott !

The Evidence Against Soy: articles.mercola.com ... Search "The Great Con-ola" @ www.westonaprice.org ... This clip has been rebroadcast with permission from Sean @ http Ensure Slimfast Yoplait Vitamin Water zone sears atkins diet.com scooby1961 psychetruth

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