What is Holistic Lifestyle Coaching?
Article by Brandon Krieger H.L.C 2, C.M.T.A
How many people know what a Holistic Lifestyle Coach is or what exactly do they due? We are all familiar with Massage Therapist, Chiropractors, Physiotherapist, Naturopaths...etc How would you or someone you know benefit from a Holistic Lifestyle Coach?
First let me ask you this, do you know anyone that's had relationship problems, work/career challenges, financial debt issues, exercise and/or nutrition goals, health issues, spiritual questions...etc? I'm sure we all know someone that has faced one of these problems if not several of them.
A Holistic Lifestyle Coach looks at the whole person, their Personal, Professional and Spiritual life. They take in to consideration all aspects of the person's experience because "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" -Newton's Law. That holds true in the experiences we have in life, from how our personal life affects us, to our professional and our spiritual beliefs. Every choice we make has an out come, it is our decision that create the lives we live day to day. Our health, wealth and relationship are all controlled by our decision day to day, minute by minute.
Now I'm sure you are asking how does a Holistic Lifestyle Coach help? A certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach knows how to ask the right questions to help you achieve your dreams. Just like any coach they are able to mentor you through those challenges no matter what they may be. If you need someone to pick you up when you're down, be in your corner to cheer you on, or kick you in the butt to get you going. They are there to make sure you stay on track, remember the shortest path between two points is a straight line. Don't get me wrong life comes up and tries to knock you off the path and that's where the Holistic Lifestyle Coach comes in. To help you get through that bumps in the road and get you back on track.
Brandon Krieger H.L.C 2, C.M.T.A
About the AuthorMy name is Brandon Krieger, I'm the founder of KNSS (Knowledge of Nutrition, Stress Reduction & Successful Lifestyle Solutions). to learn more you can click on this link http://www.knssconsulting.com
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