Holistic Detox-Body and Mind

Article by Aileen Michaels

Each one of us is concerned about our weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You can hear such discussions everywhere around you.However, in this buzz about healthy diets and exercise regimes, you don't often come across the term holistic detox. However, the holistic detox process is of significant importance if you are thinking of losing weight and maintaining your health.

The Detox Program

The detox program is essentially a self awareness routine that involves listening to the needs of the body and mind and then finding out the ways to break the cycle of unhealthy habits. You should learn to identify good food and bad food and also educate your mind about the effects of the foods on your body.

The top 7 Holistic Detox programs

1. Colon hydrotherapy: This refers to the therapeutic application of water in the digestive tracts to clean it of the sludge that has accumulated due to years of faulty feeding habits.

2. Diet change: You will be required to avoid a lot of food items, if possible, completely. For instance, you should refrain from enriched wheat, too much sugar, too much coffee, alcohol, red meat, carbonated drinks, artificial processed flavorings like ketchup and even cigarettes. Fresh fruits and vegetables are an essential component of the holistic diet plan.3. Use of herbal cleansing enhancers: These complementary food items can go a long way in detoxifying the body. For instance, take the fiber flax seeds. These part soluble herbal ingredients absorb the toxins and sweep the colon clean. Other such products are EFA rich fish, borage oil or flax.

4. Liver cleansing: A good combination of healthy diet and multivitamins combined with the absence of alcohol and too much fat will help you to clean your liver of the toxins.

5. Supplements: The supplements like antioxidants; vitamins like A,C and E; minerals like selenium and zinc can sweep the body clean of toxins.

6. Physical exercise: Sweating is a natural detoxification process which ! can only be broughtabout by physical exercises. Besides the exercises will burn the extra calories and keep you motivated for the holistic detox program.

7. Steam bath: Besides physical exercises, a sauna and steam bath can also be effective to initiate sweating, therefore detoxifying the body.

If the holistic detox program is followed with perseverance, it can give the individual a sense of confidence and control over the body like nothing else. However,it all depends on perseverance in following the health program.

About the Author

Dicover the amazing all natural detox that just about anyone can use with a few minor ingredients found in most homes. A good Holistic Detox will leave you feeling cleansed and healthy and give you renewed energy in your daily life.

Metabolic Effect (ME) Figure Workout Part 1.

Short Duration High-intensity workout for figure competitor. Designed to create maximum metabolic stimulus to maximize caloric burn and enhance the "metabolic effect" (Fat-calorie after burn) to burn fat. Workout uses many metabolic conditioning techniques including our signature compact chains (tight string of exercises merged together into one long movement) to generate a holistic conditioning effect. Jill Coleman Pro Figure Competitor trained by Jade Teta ND, CSCS

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