Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, December 29, 2011

I take the breath and feel the experience, thy life
In all of you, a breath I take, and feel you
As I take the step, I now experience thy life
Each breath is a step, the light within the garden of you
In I take and see all of the beauty of you
To sing and dance, paint and sculpt
All with the creation of you, a breath I take
The light comes in with the breath
And I know it is simply a borrowed breath
And then I give it back, to share with you
This is thy experience I knew, with the breath I take
As the light comes in, it flows in with the wind
This is the experience of life, moving and moving
Life speed is in with the breath, with the light I see
Closed eyes, created within, a thought of thee
Thy life is to experience with you
Blessings and Namaste
Dr. Rob

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Dr. Mercola Interviews David Wolfe on Healthy Habits (Part 1 of 8)

articles.mercola.com Dr. Joseph Mercola, an internationally renowned natural health physician, and superfood expert David Wolfe talks about nutrition and holistic treatment of chronic inflammation. (Part 1 of 8)

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