Amega Wand, Amega Healing Wand, Amega Global From Amega Healing wand

Article by Jack Authors

Amega Healing Wand offers a self-care approach for total wellness. They are the global leader in E-commerce Network marketing with the capabilities of design, develop, manufacture most of its wellness products and distribute directly via the Network marketing System. Most of the energy based products are manufactured in their own manufacturing facilities applying their very own proprietary technology.

Stress is the major cause of all sicknesses and diseases. In today's lifestyle and the environment we live in, stress is inevitable. However, one can prevent from getting sick and live a healthy life if they were to take a Wellness care approach. Amega's products are an offshoot of ancient natural therapeutic wisdom and applying Futuristic Technology in the Area of Quantum Physics to support Individuals with Natural Energies to eliminate stress and increase their immunity. Combining Ancient Magnetic Therapy with the latest Far Infra Red technology, Amega Global presents a wide variety of products that marries fashion and wellness benefits to suit people's needs. Amega healing Wand is used to heal sick or injured individuals. These Wands assist them in wielding their innate power. Anytime you need to do some healing on yourself or others a healing wand can be a great tool to have. There will be many times when you want an extra boost in healing strength or you may want to be more precise with how you direct the energy flow. A healing Amega Wand is the tool to grab here. Amega Global offers these healing wands which are great for narrow focused beams of energy. They can be used to dispel infection or heal cuts, bruises, or sprains, or broken bones. The fine focused beam can be aimed at small areas instead of large. Hold the wand in your hand and aim it at the part of the body that is giving you trouble. It is easier if you first do this on yourself rather than others until you get an idea of what is happening. Let's say you have a sprained wrist. Hold the wand in your good hand and! point t he tip of the crystal at the sprain. Hold the tip of the crystal close to the skin without touching it or you can lightly touch the area with tip of the wand. Gently work the crystal back and forth over the area like you are weaving a fine energy grid over the area. You may feel a light spray of energy coming out of the tip and into your skin as you move the wand. At some point you may move the wand over some area of the wrist and notice that the pain level increases or that you feel slight pain somewhere else in the body, like maybe the finger.

About the Author

Amega Healing Wand offers a self-care approach for total wellness. They are the global leader in E-commerce Network marketing with the capabilities of design, develop, manufacture most of its wellness products and distribute directly via the Network marketing System.

Potassium Alum Pyramid - Stargate Magasine - Healing with emotional music

This video show potassium alum crystals growing in perfect pyramids ! The Stargate Magasine (march 2005) has done a great job to explain my work to the world, thank you so much Stargate ! There is also a kind of slide show with pictures of me (2003 and 2005) and where you can find me. with no car and not enough money i can not sell crystals by post anymore since 2005, it's to much trouble by taxis and i am not making enough money, i prefer sell them at home so i can explain how to protect those fragile crystals and how to use them, i have stopped producing alum crystals and it may not be possible for me to start growing very big crystals some day as i dream of, not until someone help me to do so, in my town nobody want to talk of me, so nobody know how alone i am in that responsibility to save my work for the futur, internet save me in that task ! potassium alum is too expensive for me right now and a big cristallarium means some hundred dollars too, so all alone i am trying to be still usefull for Mother Earth as i can, all i have found to make the time gone until 2012 is too create music, stirling, and take care of me in preparing 2012 (try to be not alone and make some partys or conferences), i am reading the projectavalon forum create from the , in that forum i read all about Astral Walker, i suggest to everyone to read that, and projectcamelot has many very important information about what the NWO plan to do until 2012, as many on earth we are ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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