Holistic Treatments for Stabilizing Blood sugar levels while Strengthening Body

Article by Yossi Callomiti

Holistic Treatments for Stabilizing Blood sugar levels while Strengthening Body

**How Problems Begin

As carbohydrates or sugars are absorbed by the intestines after a meal and blood sugar increases, insulin is secreted by the pancreas and circulated throughout the body. As insulin binds to cell receptors, cells absorb glucose from the blood stream to produce energy and lower blood sugar levels. As sugar decreases, the pancreas secretes glycagon which breaks down glycogen in the liver and releases additional glucose into the blood.The secretion of insulin is controlled by glucose concentrations in the blood stream. Glycemic Index (GI) is a numerical system that rates how fast carbohydrate foods break down into glucose and enter the blood stream. Historically, humans have relied on carbohydrates from natural sources such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and grains which are generally low GI foods which raise sugar levels moderately to properly support your energy system for many hours.With the advent of preservatives and flavorings in recent times, the food industry has been able produce tasty processed foods with longer shelf lives. Unfortunately many of these popular products (white bread, pretzels, chips, crackers, cookies, cakes, soda) have high GI which cause blood sugar levels to rise very quickly. When sugar rises quickly, the level peaks in a short time and then comes crashing down to below normal levels. Since the brain operates on blood sugar, it induces cravings in a short time to force you to eat more and raise the sugar level again. This cycle leads to continuous spiking of blood sugar and abusive release of insulin throughout the day and suppression of glucagon.In addition, rapid rises in sugar level causes significant inflammation to the artery's vessels lining. When this inflammation spreads to the capillaries (the smallest arteries) of the muscles, the vessels tend to constrict and thicken. This creates a physical barrier making it more difficult for insulin in the! blood s tream to pass through and allow sugar to get into cells. This is the start of Insulin Resistance which means the body is becoming less sensitive to insulin.

**Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda, the science of life, prevention and longevity, is the oldest and most holistic and comprehensive medical system available. Its fundamentals can be found in Hindu scriptures called the Vedas - the ancient Indian books of wisdom written over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda applies the inherent principles of nature to help maintain optimum health in a person by keeping the individual's body, mind, and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature.India Herbs has a seasoned group of Ayurvedic doctors specialized in Kaya Chikitsa, one of the eight major specialties of Ayurveda that deals with Internal Medicine. It is the branch of Ayurveda that offers therapies for purification and detoxification. Kaya Chikitsa dwells deep into defining the root cause of disease and prescribes the therapeutic use of various herbal medicines and holistic treatments for stabilizing blood sugar levels while strengthening the body and overall well-being.India Herbs' Kaya Chikitsa doctors combine a proprietary herbal formula based on centuries' old wisdom with advice on diet, exercise, mental training, and relaxation to help individuals attain optimal blood chemistry and overcome health concerns through safe, natural means.

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All the best!Yossi Callomiti

About the Author

Results: The precise combination of ingredients in AyurGold along with a mind-body focus precisely addresses your blood chemistry concerns!Enter Our Website to precisely address Your Blood chemistry concerns!All the best!Yossi CallomitiWork at HomeTrends of Today


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