Opal Gemstone - The changing color stone

Article by Gem Stone

The It is synonymous with confidence, happiness and loyalty. It is the anniversary It for the 14th and 18th year of marriage. This mystifying gem is available in many colors and shapes - oval, cushion and heart shaped. The name for This is derived from Latin word 'Thisus' meaning precious stone. The Sanskrit word for This is 'upala'. This is mainly found in southern Australia. They are also mined in Mexico, Brazil, Czechoslovakia and the US.

This was formed when silica combined with water in hot water springs. This is a soft and delicate gem and can get cracked or chipped easily. This gems are brittle as they contain water. Crazing may occur if the This is exposed to extreme heat, cold or moisture. It is sensitive to heat and can break easily. Thiss are stored in water to avoid crazing. It has a rating of 5.5 to 6 on the Moh's scale. There are 5 main types of Thiss: Black This, white This, crystal This, water This and fire This. Water This is transparent or semitransparent without any play of color or Thisescence.

Legend has it that This fell directly on earth during lightning. The Romans regard It very highly. A beautiful This gem was set in the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor. Its display rainbow colors that flash when the stone is turned and moved in different lights. This magnificent phenomenon is called play of color. It is caused by diffraction of light in silica spheres composition in the stone. White and Fire Thiss are more preferred than Black Thiss.

The Fire It is known to cure blood related disorders and depression. The White This is known to treat neuro disorders and the black This is believed to heal diseases of the spleen, pancreas and bones. It clears out all blockages and increases flow of energy in the body. The This is known to heal eye problems and improve eye sight.

This stone looks great on any color outfit. Thiss are commonly used in fashion jewelry such as rings, necklace pendants and bracelets. The This gem promotes love and affection among couples. It increases financial gains and enhances imagination and intuition power. This gem needs to be oiled regularly to retain the water inside. This gems are brittle as they contain water. Crazing may occur if the This is exposed to extreme heat, cold or moisture. It is sensitive to heat and can break easily. Thiss are stored in water to avoid crazing.

4 of 4 Therapeutic Gemstones Gems Energy Healing Medicine: Athletes Edge

www.Gemisphere.com Gemisphere is the premier resource for Energy Healing Medicine and Therapeutic Gemstones. Recognized as the worlds finest therapeutic gems, Gemispheres therapeutic energy healing medicine gemstones promote healing and awakening on every level body, mind, emotions and spirit. The experiences of people in over 44 countries demonstrate that Gemispheres therapeutic quality gemstones and gem therapy deliver consistent and powerful energy healing medicine benefits. Gemstone therapy, energy healing medicine, and our high-quality gems have been embraced by practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine, as well as by medical doctors, acupuncturists, and other holistic health practitioners. Professional and Olympic athletes and trainers report dramatic improvements in athletic performance using Gemispheres therapeutic energy healing medicine gemstones. Top actors, musicians, and other celebrities all over the world are enjoying the extraordinary benefits of Gemispheres pure and natural therapeutic-quality energy healing medicine gems. Whether you are seeking greater energy and vitality, physical healing, emotional health, mental improvement, or spiritual upliftment, please explore http to learn more about our tools for holistic energy medicine, healing and awakening.

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