Holistic Treatments for Scabies
Article by Jesse Ryan
Scabies is one of the most discomforting skin conditions. The disease brings along some embarrassing symptoms and torments the sufferer in several ways. We all know that scabies is caused due to the bloodsucking parasites known as mites. These mites would often burrow themselves deep between the skin fold and continue to reproduce. Hence, if you wish to eliminate the condition, you would have to kill those mites first.
Several medications are now existent in the market, which would effectively kill these mites. However, these medications are not suitable to everyone. Most people develop allergic reactions to these medications and hence it is important to turn towards the holistic treatments for scabies. These treatments might perhaps not show instant results, but have proven to be extremely beneficial in the long run. Holistic medications include natural oils and herbs, hence are free from all kinds of side effects. A few holistic treatments are listed below.
Medicated oil known as Maha Marichadi Taila is to be applied on the whole body, after taking warm baths. This natural treatment needs to be followed for a week. You can also choose to use Margosa oil that possesses antifungal and antibacterial properties. People have also started using menthol and aloe vera to deal with the itching symptoms of scabies. You can also add oats to your warm baths to get relief from itching and rash. Remember not to scratch the blisters or the rash, since the mites can then get into your nails and you may eventually spread the infestation to other people. Keep your nails short and soak it in warm water for several minutes every day.
In most cases, the itching would worsen at night because this is the time when the mites are actively moving around the body. Scabies is extremely infectious in nature and the entire family needs to be treated in cases of an infestation. You would also need to clean the entire house, so as to eliminate the hidden mites or their eggs. It is known that the scabies mit! es or th eir eggs could survive for a period of 24 hours without a human host.
About the Author
There are numerous different ways to kill scabies from home, but why not kill them with something that is 100% effective and quick instead of retreating and wasting months of your life. Kill your scabies within 24 hours, Visit http://ScabiesHomeTreatment.com
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