Aromatherapy Treatments for Healing
Article by Evelyn Lim
Aromatherapy is an alternative health science that is based on a more holistic approach to dealing with health ailments or simply to stimulate the mind and body. It is a totally natural, non-invasive treatment. Aromatherapy treatments help to heal the person as a whole as opposed to just isolating the disease or illness and dealing with that only.
Aromatherapy treatments involve the use of naturally extracted aromatic plant extracts. Aromatherapy essential oils and essences seek to stimulate and enhance the body's own healing process so that the body is capable of regulating, maintaining and healing itself. Aromatherapy treatments also work on many different levels, including emotional and physical levels, to bring relief.
There are a vast array of conditions for which aromatherapy treatments provide relief and beneficial results. These include
- treating skincare complaints such as dermatitis, acne, eczema, psoriasis, cellulite, varicose veins and stretch marks; - promote emotional healing such as for depression, hysteria, lack of concentration, panic attacks; - calms the mind for insomnia and moodiness; - treat burns, bruises, sprains and strains, asthma, bronchitis, flu, muscular aches and pains, skin inflammation;- and aids digestive problems such as constipation.
An essential oil is one which is made by distilling it with either water or steam or by processing it mechanically (especially in the case of citrus rinds) or by dry distillation of natural materials. After the distillation process, the essential oil becomes physically separated from the water phase.
Essential oils are not greasy and many of them do not leave oily marks behind. These oils are very easily penetrated through the skin and get absorbed into the bloodstream where they will be absorbed at different rates throughout the body.
If used incorrectly, they can do more harm than good as essential oils tend to be highly concentrated extracts which are obtained by distilling a variety of plan! t materi als such as flowers, leaves, fruit peel, wood, grasses etc.
Hence, if you are seeking aromatherapy treatments, you must ensure you are consulting with a qualified aromatherapy practitioner as using essential oils is a precise and learned science. You want to ensure the highest quality oils and in the right combination to work its best effect on you.
For a start, you can simply buy some aromatherapy candles to burn in your room. So the next time if you are feeling down and need some relief, ingest some aromatherapy scent, relax and you will begin to feel much better.
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