Seeking True Happiness Learning and Practicing Reiki
Article by Ryan J Bell
Most students of Reiki only consider the spiritual system in the context of its healing power. To be sure, there are significant health benefits for those who receive treatment. This is the reason many of the techniques are practiced in hospitals throughout the country. Under the surface, however, there is a treasure trove of opportunity for devotees to experience immense personal joy and happiness.
Too often, advocates of the practice treat others while ignoring their own needs. Even as their patients experience breakthroughs in their physical and mental ailments, those who perform the healing are nearly overwhelmed by their own. It does not need to be this way. In fact, treating others effectively requires the healer to enjoy some level of happiness. Mikao Usui, the Father of Reiki, was an ardent believer in this concept. He even called the spiritual system "the secret art of inviting happiness."
So, it is undeniable that students should be seeking their own personal joy through learning and practicing Reiki. The question is, how can they do so? This article will explore the issue by looking at the critical roles of self-focus and ongoing affirmation.
Focusing On Yourself
Tapping into the spiritual energy of the universe enables Reiki practitioners to treat the physical and emotional ailments of others. Thousands of accounts of healings that have successfully alleviated medical conditions and mental imbalances attest to this. If the universal energy can be harnessed to treat others, does it not also follow that it can be used to heal yourself?
I'm often surprised by the number of advocates who have themselves become Masters, yet focus little time on pursuing their own happiness. Many seem to believe their psychic, emotional, and intuitive abilities should be focused solely on the treatment of others. While that goal is noble, it is imprudent. Healing others is most effective when the healer is happy. And that happiness is achieved by performing Reiki on yourself.
Affirmation Throughout The Day
Nearly all practitioners - whether Masters or beginning students - want to experience joy within their lives. Oddly, while they have immediate access to the divine energy, few take advantage of it for their own needs. The first step toward beginning to perform Reiki on yourself is by affirming your pursuit of happiness.
Say to yourself, "I wish for the Divine energy to wash through me so that I may express my joy." Make this exclamation a part of your daily meditation. Spend several minutes saying it over and over, focusing on the areas in your life that require healing. Do this throughout the day to strengthen the connection between your mind, body, and the divine life energy of the universe. You'll discover that your emotional stress declines, your aches and pains grow less pronounced, and your mood lifts.
The Seeds Of Physical And Mental Health
When you affirm your pursuit of true inner happiness, you might notice negative emotions rising to the forefront of your mind. Don't suppress them. This is an opportunity to dispel them with Reiki energy and to enjoy healing. Let them emerge. You'll find that they evaporate as you focus the spiritual energy of the universe on those areas of your life.
As you begin to experience new levels of joy, you'll also experience several side benefits. You'll be more productive throughout your day because you're unencumbered by negative thoughts. You'll also be more creative as your mind explores further than before, unhampered by fear. These are the seeds of physical and mental health. It begins with performing Reiki on yourself and realizing that your happiness is the lever that allows you to treat others.
Flying With You: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, February 8, 2012Hello, good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Flying With You, my intention of the day
The sun comes up and the sky becomes blue
And I know this; I want to soar with you
To fly so high and live in the sky
The heavens you see
Are part of you and me
The dream and the story
It brings the morning so much glory
As I fly with you and soar in life
Blessed we be, that we can see
And see in the mind and how perfect we find
That when I know that you are within
Beauty begins
And this be no sin
For life is all within
And the skies and the heavens
Are soaring with you and flying so high
And living in the sky
The sky be the mind
And there you will find the dreams
There they be
Now focus and you'll see
I'm flying with you, each day is new
Blessings and love, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God Bless
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