The Benefits of Learning Shiatsu
Article by Crystal Chan
Followings are some of the benefits and joys which learning Shiatsu will bring to you:1. In learning Shiatsu one learns more about one's health, and how one can improve it, as well as how to remedy many common problems and help prevent future illness.2. Shiatsu is such a simple way of healing, just using the hands, which we carry with us everywhere! So one can offer one's healing help at almost any time and in any place. Practically everyone enjoys receiving Shiatsu and benefits from the deep relaxation and healing it brings.3. In Shiatsu we heal with our caring touch. It is a way of communicating our love and compassion for others in a very direct way. Giving Shiatsu to one's family and friends is a wonderful way of nourishing others and strengthening one's relationships.4. Giving Shiatsu is an uplifting experience. By the giving of our Energy, we receive more Energy. When Shiatsu is given in a calm, relaxed and compassionate way, the giver feels physically, mentally and spirtually uplifted and Energized. This contrasts with many activities which tire us by using up our Energy.5. If you can, learn to give Shiatsu with a friend so that you can practise on each other. You will then receive shiatsu regularly, which is a great help in your learning of Shiatsu, and also means that you will receive its healing benefits.6. If you enjoy giving Shiatsu you may well consider practising Shiatsu as a career. Since the introduction of Shiatsu to Britain in the 1970s, there are now schools in many parts of the country training people to give Shiatsu professionally. If you discover a strong attraction to this healing art, you may wish to continue to study Shiatsu to reach a professional level.7. Shiatsu is a potent method of self-development. It has many similarities to some other Eastern methods of personal development such as aikido, tai chi, chi kung, yoga and meditation. In learning shiatsu one develops many inner qualities that are equally useful in the rest of one's life. These include becoming more cent! red and grounded and able to stay calm and relaxed while busy or under pressure, of their health, moods and thoughts, calming of the mind and enhanced intuition.You do not have to have any special abilities to be able to learn Shiatsu, and anyone can learn to sense Energy in time.
About the AuthorMassage tips, techniques and types of massage to relieve stress and anxiety can be found in
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