FAQ for Holistic Acne Solutions

Article by Benny Hung

There are tons of acne solutions on the market, each with its own story and set of data. This can make it very confusing to try and find the truth about acne! Here are answer to some frequently asked questions about acne and holistic acne solutions.

Q. What are holistic acne solutions?

A. Holistic acne solutions focus on treating the underlying cause of acne, not just one variable. This total body approach to treating acne is often more effective than traditional acne creams, lotions, and other products.

Q. What are the underlying causes of acne?

A. Physicians understand why a pimple forms, but they don't know all the causes. It's thought that hormone imbalances can increase the body's production of sebum. When the body produces more than the hair follicle can expel properly, bacteria begins to grow. This causes an eruption and redness in the skin.

Q. What is sebum?

A. Sebum is a substance produced by the body to help moisturize the skin and hair. It's very critical to beautiful skin and hair, but when there is too much, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Understanding what causes excessive sebum is essential for understanding acne.

Q. What can I do to lower the level of sebum in my skin?

A. It's thought that stress causes the body to release more sebum. Relaxation techniques, such as meditation and yoga, can help regulate the body's hormones. While this may seem like a small thing to do to treat your acne, treating the body as a whole is much more effective than some of the most expensive acne creams.

Q. As a woman, I notice that my acne is worst around the time of period. Is this because of hormones?

A. Yes. Right before menstruation, a women's hormone levels increase, which causes an increase in sebum production. This results in more blemishes during this time of the month.

Q. Does what I eat have an effect on acne?

A. Absolutely. ! If your body is not nourished in a healthy manner, your entire balance is thrown off. This means that you'll have flare-ups in your complexion until your body is back in balance. There are myths that only certain foods cause acne, such as chocolate, when it fact, it's your overall nutrition that makes a difference.

Q. Are there any all natural products that will help treat acne?

A. Yes! You can find a number of all natural, herbal topical solutions and supplements that can help. The key is to find those that don't contain artificial preservatives and other substances. In some cases, these types of products can make your acne worse.

Q. Will frequent washing and scrubbing of my face help?

A. Poor hygiene is another myth for causing acne. You can actually make your acne much worse by washing and scrubbing your face several times a day. A gentle, all natural cleanser used once a day is all you need.

About the Author

To effectively treat your Acne problems, more useful information are available at http://www.4youracnecure.com

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