The Healing Palace FALL Classes

9/14/2012 – A.R.T. – Now that you have Reiki Level II – it is time for ADVANCE REIKI TRAINING. This class is designed for everyone who has taken Reiki Level II and is ready to move forward in their journey. Including the ANTAHKARANA Ancient Symbols of Healing, along with the Chakra's and how they work with Reiki Healing. You will also receive one of the Master Symbols and be attuned to this symbol.  We will also go over stones and crystals and how they can be added to Reiki sessions and how powerful this can be for the client.  This is a required class and is part of the Traditional Usui Reiki training, this workshop is designed to help you bridge over to your Master Level with ease. If you are already a Reiki Master and are interested in this workshop, or wants to see what it is all about. Please feel free to sign up and join us. It is a very informative and fun workshop. Your investment: $ 125 – 10am – 4pm

9/23/12 Shamballa Level I – Description: The Intention of Shamballa Reiki is to ground healing & evolutionary energies into the Earth & her beings. Shamballa is defined as the collective consciousness of the Ascended & Galactic Masters. In 1988, Hari Baba Das (John Armitage) began channeling this information. It is said that Saint Germaine originated this system on Atlantis, and that we are now ready to receive these energies again, in their complete form, to assist in the next stage of evolution for the Earth & us. Some feel it is a more complete, original version of what became known as Reiki. At the core of Shamballa is the Mahatma energy, defined as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, STRAIGHT FROM SOURCE. Often, those who are drawn to the words Shamballa, Mahatma, or Hari Das are known as the Violet Tribe, as they are working with the Seventh Ray Energies (even if they don't know it consciously!) and may have worked together in other lifetimes. Your investment: $ 111 – 10am – 4pm

Friday 9/28 – Crystal median Reiki- Open to those who have taken Reiki Levels 1 & 2 or Universal Light Healing Techniques 1 & 2, this class teaches practitioners to integrate the knowledge of meridians & crystals into their practice! This information-packed class provides students with powerful new techniques to add to their current skills. Come prepared to learn. This class includes:
• introduction to physical & metaphysical properties of crystals
• choosing, clearing, and charging crystals
• practice using crystals during an energy healing session
• learning the location of all 14 meridians
• practice clearing your own meridians
• practice clearing a client's meridians, and how to integrate into a healing session
• attunement to the Universal Light Healing symbol
Your investment: $ 125- 10am – 4:30pm

9/30/12- Shamballa Level II – Levels 1 & 2 include attunements, hands-on practice, and powerful-guided journeys to release whatever may be limiting you in any way, and to bring in the Mahatma Energy. (See description in Level I) In Level II symbols are shared.  On a personal note, I am also a Usui & Karuna* Reiki Master/Teacher, and find that each system has its own special energy. I feel that Shamballa is a wonderful, powerful, and loving energy, whether used in a traditional "healing session" or to assist us in our own personal & collective evolution. If you are drawn to or curious about this energy, please join us. Your investment: $ 111- 10am- 4pm

Oct 6, 2012- Young Living Oil basics 101 – Some of Young Living's most popular sellers include Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint and Frankincense essential oils. As well as essential oil blends such as Joy, Thieves, Purification, Peace & Calming, and Valor. You can diffuse these blends in a room or mix them with carrier oil, such as sesame seed oil, and apply them directly to skin. In this class you will learn how to apply these oils, and the basic benefits of each.

I will also be able to show you how to sign up for your own Young Living Oils account and how to start ordering you own Young Living Oils. IF you have your own YOUNG LIVING Essential oils please bring them, if you do not, we will share and use what I have on hand.
Your investment: $ 50 -10am – 2pm

October 14, 2012 -Raindrop Class – "RAINDROP TECHNIQUE" A NATURAL WAY TO IMPROVE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. Giving a Raindrop session to client, child, sibling, parent or friend will help boost their immune system, ease pain and soothe their senses. Raindrop Technique provides you with a unique healing modality. This technique may:
Balance electrical frequencies
Support the immune system
Relax and invigorate
Release dormant bacteria, viruses and fungi in the spine
Relieve back inflammation, pain and misalignment's
Release emotions stuck in the physical body

Raindrop technique is the therapeutic application of essential oils dropped like raindrops down the length of the spine with a soothing massage like application. Hot towels are applied to infuse the oils into your spine. Some of the oils used are Oregano, Thyme, Balsam Fir, Cypress, Marjoram, Wintergreen, and Peppermint. The application takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. The oils may continue to work in the body for up to one week following treatment. You may incorporate this technique into a full body session or give it as a stand-alone treatment. If you have your own Young Living Essential oil Raindrop kit please bring it (or purchase before class @ Your investment: $ 75 10am-4pm

10/28/12 – Vita Flex -Vita-flex (similar to reflexology) Vita Flex Technique means "vitality through the reflexes". It is a specialized form of hand and foot massage with essential oils that is especially effective in delivering the benefits of essential oils throughout the body. Vita Flex can also be done on the crown and the ears. In this day class you will learn the Technique and share hands on experience. If you have your own YOUNG LIVING Essential oils please bring them, if you do not, we will share and use what I have on hand. Your investment: $ 75 -10am-4pm. Manual & certificate of completion included for each class.

Location will be given when you confirm your space for class. A NON-refundable deposit of $ 25 is due prior to class. Payment can be made via Pay Pal on the website Please be sure to include exactly how you want your name to appear on your Certificate. Contact person for workshop: Joanne Bisesi- 315-416-9291. About the instructor: Joanne Bisesi has studied holistic modalities for many years and now combines that experience and training to create The Healing Palace. She is a well-respected Certified Master Teacher of Traditional Usui, Karuna & Shamballa Reiki with experience in crystals, chakras, vita-flex (similar to reflexology), Raindrop, essential oils and more. Joanne resides in Syracuse, NY.

Joanne M. Bisesi {Kuryla} Spiritual Advisor/Energy Consultant
Reiki, Raindrop, Karuna,Shamballa Healing & Vita Flex
The Healing Palace



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