Choose Love – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hello and good morning, a beautiful day
God has gifted you and I this day; now choose love
Yes, this is the day to choose love, I say
To move from complaining to constantly stating
That you're choosing love this day
Yes, stating I choose love as the overriding joy
No matter what the gift for all moves beyond
It's the energy you see, and it's all love it be
For all happens in perfection you see
Choosing the state, the moment it be
To let go and see that life is free
Now choosing love is the key
Let go and be for life is thee
And now I know this moment, you see
For you and I to choose it's only love it be
The weather be good no matter what it be
The economy you see is moving so free
And you and I choose what it be
The gift of God is all I see
And I choose you and all you do
And thank you God for this day
Pure love I say and Namaste
Love, Dr. Rob

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Body Building/Skin Rejuvenating Formula (Part 2 of 2)

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