My God Dream ~ Judith’s weekly tips


My God Dream

God was rocking me in his arms and telling me that the secret to feeling better was in the colors. Green was for joy…Red for faith…and White for Abundance. The next day I looked at my mother's ring…right there on my hand.. (in the exact order as in my dream) ..was an tiny emerald (green), a tiny ruby (red) and lastly a tiny diamond (white). (I need to put the ring on in one direction for them to be in that order..they were!)

What an amazing reminder of my dream. Every time I look at my hand I am reminded that life is a choice. We get to chose joy (green), our faith (red) is also a choice and it is easy to imagine our life surrounded by white light (abundance). The very breath we breathe is abundant. Our furry friends are abundance. Our smile for our self and for others is more abundance.

What if you list everything about you and about your life that is abundant? How long would your list be??? VERY LONG I imagine…do you want to give it a try?

Judith Geiger Master Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Practitioner and Life Coach

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