Going Slowly – Dr. Rob Kiltz
Going slowly and going with the flow
That's sitting back in life and allowing it to be
Always in a rush pushing that pedal to the metal
Ease up and let go, and allow the perfect, perfect flow
A smile you see, brings energy to all
And everything is perfect as it be
Listen with love, respond with love, contemplate with love
There be no rush, it's all going exactly as its meant to be
You see, you are it and it is you
Who knew the wealth of this life is what you have
Without in the night
In the night, it is dark and you can't see as you be
Think and know this, life is a bliss
Love and forgive, so simple you see
You will be God's energy you see
All changes in the night
And in the day there be the light
Now love what it be, and there you do see
Perfection from thee
Blessings from me
Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God Bless
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