Music Touches Your Soul & Heals ~ Judith’s weekly tips

Thinking back through my life I realized that music has had a more important role for me during times of trial. Instinctually I knew it was healing. There are two things I tap strongly into when I need healing. They are music and nature. Last night at the Snatam Kaur concert in Auburn, New York, I felt like I tapped into both. One of the songs she sang was to honor Mother Earth (Gia) and during her singing I felt like I could see the stars.

It is hard for me to describe exactly what went on during her concert. I have had her CD called Grace for years, but this was my first time hearing her live. I did not know that the audience chants with her and boy did we chant! Snatam said we needed to be vocal with the chants in order to transform and heal. After a few minutes she complimented the audience by saying they were singing the loudest of any audience she ever had. "You are Auburn, the chanting capitol of the world." Everyone cheered!

It was a sold-out event. To allow more to come in they put a dozen chairs on stage to the sides and more people sat on the floor in front of the first row. Are you getting the picture of the energy in the room? As the evening continued the music seemed to take on a holy quality. I am sure every ascended master was looking down and smiling. The cello added mystery to the music.

When the entire audience stood up and held their hands high in the air as she sang "rain pouring down on you" my heart melted, because so many people were feeling the music on a soul level. As she ended with a prayer song, everyone, and I mean everyone had their hands in prayer position. Awesome!

I am writing to you today about this concert to create awareness about healing. There are many ways to heal, such as; Reiki, coaching, therapy, various healing arts, and there is music. Turn off the horrible news long enough to just listen to the music. When you are ready sing along and heal!

You can listen to Snatam Kaur here:

Judith Geiger Master Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Practitioner and Life Coach



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Dr. Weston A. Price's Journey To Truth Started HERE!

An extract from Dr. Weston A. Prices work "Nutrition & Physical Degeneration." --Published in the late 30's, the work is a detailed account of Price's travels to all parts of the world that were still 'primitive' and subsisting on their natural diet, documenting their state of health and contrasting it with those who were consuming 'modernized' food. http Thanks to Khalil @ for editing and broadcasting this clip.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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