
Showing posts from September, 2012

Aging Parents: The Cycle of Life

When we begin to deal with parents that are aging, it can be a good time to examine your life together and familial past. For most of us a natural part of the cycle of life is when our roles as children start to shift from that into caretaking roles where are parents are concerned. This can be as major moving a parent into a retirement facility, or coming to the realization that it's necessary to check in with them more often than usual. Whatever the case, such a shift is momentous as it signals a time of confronting our own mortality as we confront that of our parents. In addition, it can bring up issues about how well they cared for us when we were young. We may also find ourselves consumed with fear at the thought of losing them, even if we've been on our own for a very long time. Talking to other friends and family who are going through similar experiences can be a large source of support. They can help us look at both the unresolved past and the unfolding present, ...

Seasons of Beauty: Aging Gracefully

As we cultivate our life, our beauty becomes as much about what we are creating and doing as it is about our appearance. We tend to associate youth with beauty, but the truth is that beauty transcends every age. Just as a deciduous tree is stunning in all its stages—from its full leafy green in the summer to its naked skeleton during winter and everything in between—human beings are beautiful throughout their life spans. The early years of our lives tend to be about learning and experiencing as much as we possibly can. We move through the world like sponges, absorbing the ideas of other people and the world. Like a tree in spring, we are waking up to the world. In this youthful phase of life, our physical strength, youth, and beauty help open doors and attract attention. Gradually, we begin to use the information we have gathered to form ideas and opinions of our own. As we cultivate our philosophy about life, our beauty becomes as much about what we are saying, doing, and crea...

Golden Words – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hello and good morning God has granted you and I The beauty and perfection Of this amazing day For life, we're here to play, I say And love the day In words the key and love it be And gold is key and golden words For words create all that we be And now I know the key to see is love as it be But as it be is a thought you see And gold is created in words, you see For you and I to love what it be To dig so deep into the heavens And the heavens, the mind, and there you'll find How you create all there be in the dream of life Perfect you see Now I know that you are heaven And words you see create all thee Golden words and gold in words And so hard it is to find the day And yes, life is simple and easy, I say All you need to do is love thy way To take a step upon this life And love the key of all thy might And but a word it be of gold you see And loving all of life there be Blessings and Namaste, Dr. Rob Another awesome and ...

Other People’s Agendas: Appreciating Suggestions

When other people are always offering suggestions on how we should live our life, there is often a void in their own life. As children, our parents had dreams for us. They wanted us to do well in school, and to do whatever was necessary to reach our highest potential. Later in life, friends may try to set us up with their idea of the perfect partner or the perfect job. Spouses may have agendas for us, too. People close to us may have ideas about how we should live our lives, ideas that usually come from love and the desire for us to be happy. Other times, they come from a place of need within them—whether it is the parent who wants us to live out his or her dreams or the friend or spouse who wants us to play an already-defined role. Whatever the case, we can appreciate and consider those people's input, but ultimately we must follow our own inner guidance. There may come a time when all the suggestions can become overbearing. We may feel that the people we love don't ap...

Words of Wisdom: Affirmations

Our minds accept as truth the critical statements we tell ourselves, but it can also accept our positive affirmations. The words we speak and think hold great sway over the kind of life that we create for ourselves. Many people live their lives plagued by negative thoughts and never even realize this. They tell themselves and others that they are doomed to fail, not good enough, or not worthy of love, yet they are amazed when their reality starts reflecting these words. Just as the subconscious mind accepts as truth the critical statements we tell ourselves, however, it is also equipped to instantly accept the veracity of our affirmations. Affirmations are statements chosen and spoken consciously. Once they enter our realm of consciousness, they also enter our subconscious mind where they have the power to change our lives. The affirmations you create should be specific, not too long, worded positively, formed in complete sentences, and spoken in the present tense as if what yo...

Star-Filled Morning – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hello, good morning, Dr. Rob A star-filled morning And wow! The attachment of love Does push and shove It says I stand in the muck you see To love all of you; yet sometimes anger be I say here I am and I love you But God does say to go thy way All good it be and gracious thee To love, forgive, and let it be I love all thee and I know thee me And please forgive of what I be All does come and meant to be For all thee love I see in thee To jump and cheer of what you be For you be but what I think you be I know you be good in love you see And please forgive my past it be Mistakes I make, I for-take That you are me and we are one Life be fun, it's God's gift you see Now laugh away and love the day No matter what comes I say I use the word and thoughts of thee To create the one of all we be And judge I've done, not good you see But perfectly meant to be all me I let it go and go thy flow Thy spirits in all that we be T...

Spreading Your Light: How You Affect Others Daily

We have the potential to affect others through all of our actions during our day whether we are aware of it or not. As the pace and fullness of modern life serve to isolate us from one another, the contact we do share becomes vastly more significant. We unconsciously absorb each other's energy, adopting the temperament of those with whom we share close quarters, and find ourselves changed after the briefest encounters. Everything we do or say has the potential to affect not only the individuals we live, work, and play with but also those we've just met. Though we may never know the impact we have had or the scope of our influence, accepting and understanding that our attitudes and choices will affect others can help us remember to conduct ourselves with grace at all times. When we seek always to be friendly, helpful, and responsive, we effortlessly create an atmosphere around ourselves that is both uplifting and inspiring. Most people rarely give thought to the effect t...

Conscious Living ~ Judith’s weekly tips

Conscious Living (Discover Self) Abraham Linclon once said, "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." I felt sad reading this, because contentment is paralyzing. I implore you not to give up on your dreams and goals. Watch the video below to get inspired to be all you can be…this video is worth your time. I was so moved by it that I watched it twice and cried both times! Christopher Maloney's audition – Bette Midler's The Rose – The X Factor UK 2012 Do you want more money, a better career or more fulfilling relationships? How would you like to be able to have a positive state of mind anytime you desire it? I want this for you too. It is all possible if you are ready to take action. All you need is a phone and a desire for more. For your personal growth and happiness I am offering my Conscious Living (Discover Self) tele-class at a discount. This program will jump start your life. You will learn more...

Dr. Kiltz invites you to his Men’s Retreat: Conversations with the Universe

Conversations with the Universe: Men's Retreat Sunday, October 14th, 1:00-4:00pm Join Dr. Rob Kiltz for this Men's Retreat to sit, contemplate, and share along the shores of Skaneateles Lake. Walk through the doors with an open heart and mind; leave your worries and fears behind. We will explore the idea of taking those experiences in life that make you sad, unhappy and fearful and shifting the energy and our thoughts to see them as a journey of perfection and expansion. If you're hurting, uncertain about your path, or wondering why you're not enjoying life to the fullest, this Retreat is for you. Join us and you'll begin to see the beauty and perfection of every moment of every day. Bring a comfortable pillow and blanket. Dress comfortably. Lunch will be provided. Email Chris at with any questions. Please RSVP by Oct 10th. $ 45 includes lunch and Dr. Rob's new book, The Art of Living with Intent . Buy online here (only 22 sp...

Opening the Channels of Communication: Dealing with Difficult People

When dealing with a difficult person, try not to be judgmental or defensive in your conversation with them. We encounter a wide variety of people throughout our lives. Many of them touch us in some positive way. Occasionally, however, we encounter those individuals who, for whatever reason, can be difficult to deal with. Perhaps this person is a colleague or close friend that you feel is deliberately being obtuse, inviting in trouble, or doing foolish things that you find annoying. Sometimes, it may be possible to appease or avoid those people short term. Dealing with them in the long term, however, can be exhausting. The behavior of difficult people can even make you feel like losing your temper, but keep your cool. Staying calm is the first step, especially when you are ready to confront them. Avoiding a difficult person can prove impossible and not in your best interest, especially if you live or work together. Likewise, attempts to steer clear of them can become a source of...

An Exercise in Self: Seeking Advice from Yourself

A helpful exercise is to set up an advisory panel of your past, present, and future selves. Since we probably know ourselves better than anyone else does, then we may very well be the best person to ask for advice when we are in a quandary. One interesting exercise is to try asking for advice from your past and future selves. There is the younger self that you used to be and the older, more mature self that you will become. You can gain a different perspective when you view present situations through your younger self's eyes or your mature self's more experienced point of view. Perhaps, your younger self would view a current dilemma in a more innocent, less cynical way. Likewise, your older, hopefully wiser, self may offer advice from a more compassionate, experienced perspective. Think back to how you viewed the world when you were younger. What were your thoughts on happiness, love, and injustice? Think about how you would have reacted to a dilemma you are currently f...

The Colors of Life – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hello and good morning God Thank you for the day For this is another awesome and amazing day For the mere fact of the breath and life you see All is perfect as it be The bumps and the ripples And the challenges you see Give God's creation to all there be The light and the dark bring the colors of life The dips and the bumps The twists and the turns They create the fabric called life And all so perfect it be For a simple smile of love and life you see In the great and grand of what there be A moment, a touch, tender life you see All you need to do is open with thee And thank you God for this awesome, great day For all we do is love and play And when you play with love and kindness you see All comes back so generous you see Now love and Namaste, enjoy this day Dr. Rob Another awesome and amazing day in the universe Read More @ Source

The Consequences You Sow: Action and Effect

We should strive always to speak, think, and behave with great thoughtfulness and compassion. All motive and action affects the cosmos in some way. The principle of cause and effect is the truth that allows us to change ourselves and the world around us for the better. However, this same universal law is also at work when change is not at the forefront of our minds. Our intentions flow forever outward in the form of energy, affecting both the people closest to us and billions of individuals we will likely never meet. For this reason, we should strive always to speak, think, and behave with great thoughtfulness and compassion. The virtues we choose to embody can inspire joy and integrity in the lives of countless people, whether we touch their existence directly or not. The influence we wield is infinite. In an effort to internalize our conscious understanding of the nature of cause and effect, we can never truly know how our thoughts, emotions, words, or actions will manifest t...

Serendipity SAORI Studio Announces Fall Weaving Classes

Serendipity SAORI Studio is offering fall weaving classes for adults and children on Saturdays, beginning September 22 from 1pm to 4pm at their studio, located at 2559 Nunnery Rd., Skaneateles. SAORI is an art of handweaving that emphasizes creativity and free expression. Founded in Japan by Misao Jo over 40 years ago, the SAORI philosophy embraces the attitude that everyone can express oneself freely! There are no rules or samples to follow, and no mistakes only possibilities! SAORI free-style weaving is for everyone: *If you are new to weaving, you will enjoy the ease of use. *If you are an experienced weaver, you will appreciate the many ingenious features Saori looms and accessories offer. *If you have physical challenges, Saori looms can be adapted with special attachments to make weaving accessible and enjoyable. Detailed class descriptions and information are available on my new website: No experience necessary. All ages welco...

Mind Action – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hello and good morning, a beautiful day And thank you God for this day For this life, for this mind action The mind is the creator, the maker of all things And it leads to your life and action it be For you to think it good and grand you see The action comes as you think it be And if you think it bad and hard this day This the action that you play To think it good, amazing it be All the action is as you see To move up front and forward in life To think it grand and gift thy right For God thy might in thy mind thy action Every day a thought it be Now live so free in love the key And blessings and Namaste Dr. Rob Another awesome and amazing day in the universe Enjoy the day Read More @ Source

A Dynamic Choice-Maker: Accepting Yourself

Sometimes we choose or do something that takes us in the opposite direction of the reality we want to create. There is no such thing as a good person or a bad person. There are choices and actions that lead us in different directions, and it is through those choices and actions that we create our realities. Sometimes we choose or do something that takes us in the opposite direction of the reality we want to create for ourselves. When we do this, we feel bad—uneasy, unhappy, unsure. We might go so far as to label ourselves "bad" when a situation like this arises. Instead of labeling ourselves, though, we could simply acknowledge that we made a choice that lead us down a particular path, and then let it go, forgiving ourselves and preparing for our next opportunity to choose, and act, in ways that support our best intentions. Many of us experienced childhoods in which the words good and bad were used as weapons to control us—you were good if you did what you were told a...

Big Trucks reaches its 19th year!

For the 19th year kids can climb on, jump in and honk the horns of big and little trucks at the Big Trucks fundraiser to benefit The Skaneateles Nursery School. This event takes place on Sunday, September 30 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Saunders Quarry located on Limeledge Road in Marcellus. A special attraction includes the Mercy Flight lifesaving helicopter. Children and adults will be able to step in and take a look at the inside of this amazing helicopter. The Big Trucks fundraiser allows families to explore the power and size really BIG trucks, heavy equipment and emergency vehicles. This event is fun for the entire family and also hosts a variety of magicians, raffles, prizes, food and music. Proceeds from Big Trucks go to The Skaneateles Nursery School. For more information visit . Read More @ Source Queen Afua TV Introduction to the new Queen Afua Meditationness Channel featuring informatio...

Music Touches Your Soul & Heals ~ Judith’s weekly tips

Thinking back through my life I realized that music has had a more important role for me during times of trial. Instinctually I knew it was healing. There are two things I tap strongly into when I need healing. They are music and nature. Last night at the Snatam Kaur concert in Auburn, New York, I felt like I tapped into both. One of the songs she sang was to honor Mother Earth (Gia) and during her singing I felt like I could see the stars. It is hard for me to describe exactly what went on during her concert. I have had her CD called Grace for years, but this was my first time hearing her live. I did not know that the audience chants with her and boy did we chant! Snatam said we needed to be vocal with the chants in order to transform and heal. After a few minutes she complimented the audience by saying they were singing the loudest of any audience she ever had. "You are Auburn, the chanting capitol of the world." Everyone cheered! It was a sold-out event. To allow m...

Music Touches Your Soul & Heals ~ Judith’s weekly tips

Thinking back through my life I realized that music has had a more important role for me during times of trial. Instinctually I knew it was healing. There are two things I tap strongly into when I need healing. They are music and nature. Last night at the Snatam Kaur concert in Auburn, New York, I felt like I tapped into both. One of the songs she sang was to honor Mother Earth (Gia) and during her singing I felt like I could see the stars. It is hard for me to describe exactly what went on during her concert. I have had her CD called Grace for years, but this was my first time hearing her live. I did not know that the audience chants with her and boy did we chant! Snatam said we needed to be vocal with the chants in order to transform and heal. After a few minutes she complimented the audience by saying they were singing the loudest of any audience she ever had. "You are Auburn, the chanting capitol of the world." Everyone cheered! It was a sold-out event. To allow m...

Accepting Your Family: Gifts from the Universe

Our families help us see where we have come from so that we may more clearly decide where we'd like to go. Families can contain a fascinating grouping of personalities. Despite the potential for so many to have similar traits, there are many different ways to express them. As people marry into families and have children, even more personalities enter the picture. There may be some people that we would not choose to be related to, but that's what friends are for. If we trust in a universe that has a higher purpose for everything, then we must believe that family members are in our lives for a good reason. These reasons may be easy to see and appreciate with some, but others may offer us a challenge. With those, we can look for something we can learn or perhaps teach. In the modern world where everyone seeks to be individuals, many move far away from their families in an attempt to escape them. But when we've successfully built a world around us that requires no one...

My first Book will be released in December!

Book Release December 2012~ Enchanted One ~ The Portal To Love by Sheila Applegate Greetings! Two years ago, Spirit woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that my first book would be published through an imprint of Redwheel/Weiser Publishing. Now, in Spirits unique and Divine timing, it is with pure joy that I am able to announce to you that my book, Enchanted One ~ The Portal To Love is being published through Redwheel/Weiser Publishing! The hardcover, paperback and ebook versions will be available around the world through Barnes & Noble, Amazon and in December of 2012! "Enchanted One brings us the inspired and inspiring message of divine love embodied. What could be more encouraging news as the world falls apart and we have an opportunity to rebuild it with a vision of sacred love?" ~Daphne Rose Kingma This book will make a perfect Holiday Gift for all of your loved ones! I am going to be offering some wonderful pre-sale bo...

Spiritual Imprints: Aboriginal Dreamtime

Everything in nature contains the memory of when they were created and vibrates with that life force. Everything in the natural world leaves its mark on the earth. The Australian Aborigines, who have one of the longest continuous cultural histories of any group on earth, know this. Dreamtime, the spirituality and culture of the Aborigines, explains the origins and culture of the land and its people. In Aboriginal Dreaming, every meaningful activity, event, or life process is believed to leave behind a vibrational residue. Aborigines speak of the seed power deposited on the earth that all natural life brings forth known as jiva or guruwari. As plants leave an image of themselves as seeds, so too do the oceans, the mountains, and the smallest pebble. Everything in nature contains the memory of when they were created and vibrates with that life force. "Dreaming," in Aboriginal culture, is comprised of the knowledge, faith, and practices derived from the stories of creati...

Co-Creation – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Co-creation, some thoughts of the day Compete you say but know It's all about creation and thee Let go and now you'll see That life is but co-creative, you see Nothing competes, for it's all the same energy of life The universe is the creation and all is its might The energy of creativity flows nicely in the night And in the day it blossoms, so easy you see When you simply sit back and flow with thee Co-creative you are And this is how life will take you so far Love all in this life And there is the might And blessings you see From you and from me Dr. Rob Another awesome and amazing day in the universe God Bless Read More @ Source

A Reason to Smile: Five Minutes to Happiness

If you aren't a naturally happy person, take time each day to cultivate that which brings you happiness. It can be so easy to get caught up in the rigors of modern life that we tend to forget that happiness need not come with stipulations. Happiness becomes something we must schedule and strive for—a hard-won emotion—and then only when we have no worries to occupy our thoughts. In reality, overwhelming joy is not the exclusive province of those with unlimited time and no troubles to speak of. Many of the happiest people on earth are also those coping with the most serious challenges. They have learned to make time for those simple yet superb pleasures that can be enjoyed quickly and easily. Cultivating a happy heart takes no more than five minutes. The resultant delight will be neither complex nor complicated, but it will be profound and will serve as a reminder that there is always a reason to smile. So much that is ecstasy-inducing can be accomplished in five minutes. Alo...

Fall Fest in Skaneateles

The Unique Village on the Lake, invites you to experience our Village and the Lake at one of the prettiest times of the year in Central New York. This fall we have great events, shopping at its finest, delicious food to eat, and relaxing places to stay. September 29-30, 2012 is Fall Fest in Skaneateles. Local merchants will be having specials, refreshments, and sales all weekend long to welcome in the fall season. And of course there is plenty of apple and pumpkin picking, cider and fritters! Visit Tim's Pumpkin Patch or Beak n Skiff Apple Orchards on Route 20 east of Skaneateles. And back this year are horse and carriage rides around the Village for a nominal fee available Saturday and Sunday from noon-4 pm, and scarecrow making for a $ 10 donation to the Skaneateles YMCA and Community Center from 10 am – 5 pm on Saturday. You can pick up the horse and carriage rides in front of the Sherwood Inn. You can make a scarecrow in the park by the Gazebo. Advance sale tickets for...

The Healing Palace FALL Classes

9/14/2012 – A.R.T. – Now that you have Reiki Level II – it is time for ADVANCE REIKI TRAINING. This class is designed for everyone who has taken Reiki Level II and is ready to move forward in their journey. Including the ANTAHKARANA Ancient Symbols of Healing, along with the Chakra's and how they work with Reiki Healing. You will also receive one of the Master Symbols and be attuned to this symbol.  We will also go over stones and crystals and how they can be added to Reiki sessions and how powerful this can be for the client.  This is a required class and is part of the Traditional Usui Reiki training, this workshop is designed to help you bridge over to your Master Level with ease. If you are already a Reiki Master and are interested in this workshop, or wants to see what it is all about. Please feel free to sign up and join us. It is a very informative and fun workshop. Your investment: $ 125 – 10am – 4pm 9/23/12 Shamballa Level I – Description: The Intention of Shambal...

Your Allies on Life’s Journey: Finding Your Tribe

We all desire to find our tribe, a community of those that feel comfortable to us and nurture our journey. Part of being human is the search for an individual identity. Bound to this strong need to establish a unique persona, however, is an equally intense desire for acceptance. It is when we find our individual tribes that both are satisfied. Our tribe members are those people who accept us as we are without reservation and gladly accompany us on our journeys of evolution. Among them, we feel free to be our imperfect selves, to engage unabashedly in the activities we enjoy, and to express our vulnerabilities by relying on our tribe for support. We feel comfortable investing our time and energy in the members of our tribe, and are equally comfortable allowing them to invest their resources in our development. The individuals who eventually become members of your unique tribe are out there in the wide world waiting for you. You are destined to find them, one by one, as you move ...

Underneath the Noise: Hearing the Whisper

There is beauty and power when we listen to the whisper. You may have noticed that if you want to speak to someone in a noisy, crowded room, the best thing to do is lean close and whisper. Yelling in an attempt to be louder than the room's noise generally only hurts your throat and adds to the chaos. Similarly, that still, small voice within each of us does not try to compete with the mental chatter on the surface of our minds, nor does it attempt to overpower the volume of the raucous world outside. If we want to hear it, no matter what is going on around us or even inside us, we can always tune in to that soft voice underneath the surrounding noise. It is generally true that the more insistent voices in our heads delivering messages that make us feel panicky or afraid are of questionable authority. They may be voices we internalized from childhood or from the culture, and as such they possess only half-truths. Their urgency stems from their disconnectedness from the cente...

Going Slowly – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Going slowly and going with the flow That's sitting back in life and allowing it to be Always in a rush pushing that pedal to the metal Ease up and let go, and allow the perfect, perfect flow A smile you see, brings energy to all And everything is perfect as it be Listen with love, respond with love, contemplate with love There be no rush, it's all going exactly as its meant to be You see, you are it and it is you Who knew the wealth of this life is what you have Without in the night In the night, it is dark and you can't see as you be Think and know this, life is a bliss Love and forgive, so simple you see You will be God's energy you see All changes in the night And in the day there be the light Now love what it be, and there you do see Perfection from thee Blessings from me Dr. Rob Another awesome and amazing day in the universe God Bless Read More @ Source

Fall Semester Creative Writing Workshops with Bob Comenole

Location: Creekside Books & Coffee, 35 Fennell Street Skaneateles, NY 13152 Our Fall Semester of creative writing workshops begins Thursday, October 4th (a 3:30 – 5:30 class, and a 6:30 – 8:30 one) Our first course offered will be Creative Writing 201, a 4-week workshop that focuses on the power and playfulness of language, story and invention. It will stretch participants' linguistic skills and their creative abilities beyond their current gifts (it's appropriate for both beginners and seasoned writers). Talents developed in this workshop can be applied to all sorts of writing: short stories, novels, poetry, essays, experimental prose and all other forms. We will also offer several other courses, as well (descriptions below). Instructions for signing up for any of our courses are also listed below. Classes are limited to only 12 students, so sign up today! To save yourself a seat in any of our classes, please visit the registration site by clicking below (t...