Live a Conscious Life ~ Judith’s weekly tips
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948)
Do you have the strength it takes to live a conscious life?
In order to answer this question we need to look at what a conscious life is. The best way to do this is to look at the three levels of consciousness.
First we have unconscious; which means you are functioning and awake, but not paying much attention to your life or anything around you.
An analogy for this would be; if life is like an iceberg and you were unconscious, you would crash into the iceberg before you were aware it was there and you would sink.
Living life semi-consciously is when you believe your own stories. Anything that is not a pure fact is simply a story. Your stories are sometimes judgmental, opinionated and simply not the truth. We make some of our biggest mistakes when we are operating in a semi-conscious mode, because we only have partial facts. And what is more frightening is that we don't even realize we are doing it. We believe our own stories! After all you have been telling them for years. They are often beliefs that were handed down from your family. You simply accepted them as truth without making a conscious effort to find out if they were truly in alignment with 'who' you really are and your values.
If life is like an iceberg, when you are semi-conscious you know the iceberg is present, but you tell yourself you can avoid it. Before long you crash into it because you did not calculate its size properly. You once again sink and as they say, the rest is history.
When you are living a conscious life you are aware of a much larger picture.You know 'who' you are, where you are going and all the possible ways to get there. You bring all you have ever learned or experienced into your life, in a cohesive way. Another wonderful thing about living a conscious life is that you finally are able to understand what you don't know. You have the awareness that there is more to most situations than you see on the surface of life. With this kind of awareness you can easily see your choices and opportunities before you. Living a conscious life is living with clarity.
If life is like an iceberg, when you live a conscious life you find out exactly what is under the surface of the water before you proceed. You have all the facts to sail safely through life.
If you want to start living a more conscious life you can start by taking Judith's tele-class Conscious Living (Discover Self) starting Nov. 7th. Learn more here.
Judith Geiger Master Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Practitioner and Life Coach
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