Fewer Muscles to Laugh

PSSSST! I've got the facts on laughter. Did you know it takes fewer muscles to laugh than it does to frown? A good, hearty laugh positively affects 15 major organs in your body??!! I'll bet you didn't know that 3 minutes of good, hard belly laughter is equal to 20 minutes of strenuous rowing!! It's true. Belly laughter stretches the muscles from the diaphragm all the way up to the scalp. That stretch releases the tension that causes fatigue – stress – and headaches. Do whatever it takes to add a little laughter to your day.


Yvonne Conte, Motivational Humorist Humor Advantage, Inc.
4736 Onondaga Blvd., Ste. 231 Syracuse, NY 13219
Yvonne Conte Website
Voice: 315.487.3771 Fax: 315.487.5633 
E-mail Yvonne here


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