Pregnancy & Reiki
Article by Nicole Lanning
There has been much debate about Reiki and pregnancy and this type of work amongst a lot of light workers. This in not something new, or just a phase, but something that has been around for a long time. Women have been getting pregnant, giving birth, and using Reiki all the time. So what is all of the commotion about? Is this right for the baby? What are the pros and cons? Let's go back to basics people! Reiki is here for the highest good of all! And what do you think that little one is here for? They are not even born yet, so innocent and small, and they are here to serve their purpose on this planet. I do not believe in accidents or coincidences. If you are a Reiki Master Teacher, and want to have your child attuned or you receive your attunement while pregnant, while all of the concerns and worries. Remember one of the main principles of Reiki is "Just for today do not worry". We only have today! Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present! Reiki is not going to hurt, injure or in anyway corrupt or cause any due harm to your unborn child or even a small infant or younger child. That little baby you are carrying inside of you is a precious gift, and vibrates at a very high frequency. They can absorb and reflect back all of this energy and so much more right now. They will not be harmed in anyway. They actually enjoy the energy!Try a little exercise and see for yourself. While lying down, rest your hands on your belly and activate the energy. Ask your guides or protectors to only allow the energy to go to your baby if the baby is willing to receive it and can handle the energy and see what happens. I have done this exercise with hundreds of pregnant women, and each and every one of them can feel the baby pulling the energy through them. It is a wonderful experience, but try it for yourself! If you are not attuned, but want to know what it feels like, have a close friend or family member do the same exercise. And yes to clear up any questi! ons for those of you out there wondering if your baby will be attuned. If you receive an attunement while you are carrying the baby, yes they will receive this as well. And for this of you wanting to know what the lineage is or how to understand that question, the babies name would be after yours on the lineage tree. Now this does not mean to go out and receive tons of attunements while you are pregnant, as you have to remember, these little ones have a much stronger and higher vibrational level then we do here on Earth. So give them one or two and watch their progress. I recommended for pregnant mothers to work with Usui Reiki and Pregnancy Reiki. The babies love them both!For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at
Many Blessings and Love and Light
Nicole Lanning
About the Author
Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.
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