Is Our Diet Depleting the Planet?

Is Our Diet Depleting the Planet?

Everyone has heard of Global Warming, but Global Depletion is much less known. As vast as Global Warming may seem, it is only a small piece in the growing puzzle of Global Depletion, which refers to the loss of all of Earth’s renewable and non-renewable resources.

One of the few books that captures the whole scope of Global Depletion, instead of focusing on issues that branch off from the real problem, is Comfortably Unaware, by Dr. Richard A. Oppenlander. This book reaches deep into the heart of the issue, where society seems to avoid looking.

While unaware of the issue of Global Depletion, many of us are not even aware of the true cause of Global Warming, which has been given such publicity. While carbon dioxide is allocated the majority of the blame for climate change, Oppenlander reveals that “Our current food choices detrimentally affect climate change and global warming more so than do all the cars, planes, trucks, buses, and trains used worldwide.”

It is not our lights being left on or our fans running (although they contribute) that are destroying our planet; it is our eating habits. And it is not turning off the light or air conditioning that will save the Earth, it is the shift to a plant based diet.

The animal industry simultaneously destroys our planet’s air, water, diversity, soil, atmosphere, and our own health. Comfortably Unaware brings to light all of these terrifying truths that have been hidden and ignored. “Please understand: this book is not about animal rights, although this is a very noble concern.” says Oppenlander. The book simply lays on the table the bare facts that everyone has a right to know about what is being done to the place we live without our knowledge.

It is not fair that we have been denied this information and that we have been led to believe that the animal industry will make our planet and our bodies healthier. Nor is it fair to deny ourselves the opportunity to learn the truth in a time when it is being exposed to members of the public who are willing to look for it. “Fifty-five percent of our fresh water is being given to livestock… Over 70 percent of the grain in the United States is fed to livestock… It takes 10 to 20 gallons of water to produce one pound of vegetables, fruit, soybeans, or grain… over 5000 gallons of water to produce one pound of meat… over 30 percent of all usable total land mass on the earth is used by livestock.” These are things that every person should be aware of, and has the right to be aware of.

Believe it or not, the unfairness of the issue continues relentlessly. It is unfair to those less fortunate than ourselves if we do not take the opportunity we are given to learn about ways that we can help the planet and all of its people. “Six million children in the world will die from starvation this year…1.1 billion people in the world are considered malnourished or suffering from hunger.” As a species, we can help these people through a method as ridiculously simple as eating a plant based diet. The land and resources used to produce meat, dairy and eggs could be used to grow a vastly larger amount of grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes that would not only feed more people, but improve the health of every one of them.

“There is no room for a halfway approach. Heavy economic penalties should be imposed on all producers and consumers of animal products, as well as nations that continue the practice,” warns Dr.Oppenlander.

Take the chance to learn what everyone should have been taught a long time ago, to reveal the facts that have been distorted or completely twisted.

Everyone deserves to know the truth about what is really going on in the world. Some may choose to ignore this right. But the more of us who take the truth upon ourselves as a responsibility, the sooner the precious Earth will begin healing.

From Kahlil Gibran:

"Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof."

"The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply."

"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight."

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