Your Inner Roommate: Letting Go of Your Thoughts

Winter Sunrise

This year I received one of the best holiday gifts ever! My husband, Cary, bought me the Kindle version of The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael Singer. I'm about halfway through the book and find myself reading it very slowly, savoring every lesson learned, as well as highlighting and re-reading sections that really resonate with me.

Chapter 2 is titled Your Inner Roommate, there are definitely some powerful lessons in that one. I love the way the author really helps you to recognize the thoughts and incessant chatter that go on inside your head each and every day.

He suggests that the key to letting go of these thoughts is by taking a step back, removing yourself from your own melodrama, and watching what's going on in your head. You aren't your thoughts and your thoughts aren't you, treat them like your inner roommate that you are merely witnessing. Don't become attached to the thoughts, just let them come into your head and go out.

Peace within occurs when you can let go of your inner roommate. Recognizing that he/she exists is the first step. The easiest way to recognize your inner roommate is to personify it. The book proposes that you imagine for just one day that every time you hear those thoughts speaking to you in your head, they were coming from a person – an actual live person sitting right next to you. Don't try to stop the person from talking just try to get to know this voice that lives inside your head.

How would you relate to a person that said everything that comes into your mind? Most likely after a short period of time you would realize you didn't want to see that person again. When your inner roommate speaks up, do you tell it leave? Unfortunately, all too often you probably put weight in what it says and actually listen. After you learn how to recognize these thoughts, your inner roommate, the job of letting go becomes much easier. You will probably find that your inner roommate doesn't have the voice it used to.

For me, practices like yoga and meditation are the best tools to utilize to help you free yourself from your thoughts.

~peace and wellness

Christine Briel

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