
Showing posts from October, 2012

Argument: Stepping Back from Anger

The emotional trigger than begins an argument may have little to do with your present situation, but has dug up a wound. When we find ourselves in an argument, we may feel like we are losing control of emotions that have taken on lives of their own. When we can become aware that this is happening, taking a deep breath can help us step back from the situation. Once we can separate ourselves from the heat of the moment, we may find that the emotional trigger that began the argument has little to do with the present situation, but may have brought up feelings related to something else entirely. Looking honestly at what caused our reaction allows us to consciously respond more appropriately to the situation and make the best choices. We can make an agreement with our partners and those closest to us that asking questions can help all of us discover the source of the argument. The shared awareness can result in finding simple solutions to something physical, like low blood sugar or ...

Best Friends: A Warm Refuge

Our best friends are a warm refuge in which we feel free to be fully ourselves. By the time we reach adulthood, many of us have had the good fortune to have at least one best friend. If we have moved around or changed our life situation repeatedly, we may be lucky enough to have had several. The best friend relationship is often our earliest intimate peer relationship, and it can be a source of great warmth and connection throughout our lives. The details of best friendship change as we grow up and grow older, but the heart of it remains the same. Our best friends are a warm refuge in which we feel free to be fully ourselves, to share our deepest secrets, to rest when we are tired, to celebrate when we are happy—a place in which we feel utterly welcome to give and receive that most precious of all gifts, love. Most intimate relationships hit bumps from time to time, and one of the hallmarks of an enduring best friendship is its ability to ride out the turbulence and remain inta...

Animals in Nature: Messengers of Direction

Animals in nature always have a message for us, start noticing what animals show up in your life and when. Animals share our planet with us, but experience it differently—each has its own abilities and gifts that allow them to interact successfully with the natural world. Since we are merely one manifestation of the universe's energy in action, when we feel the need for direction we can turn to animals in nature for guidance. Animals can show us different ways to approach and deal with our challenges. As we hold a question in mind, we can begin to pay attention to the animal activity around us. Staring out a window we may notice a bird soaring high in the sky, showing us how to look at our situation from a greater distance. If we don't get an immediate answer, we can remember that the universe has its own perfect timing that doesn't heed the ticking of the clock. Instead, we can release our question into the universe's care, and then trust that an animal messeng...

Starry, Starry Night – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Starry, starry night Life is perfect as thy sight Thy energy comes and thy energy lights On this starry, starry night We flow with thee and all that be For the stars guide and show of me This starry, starry night From dark you see to light it be And life be free for all I see That God is you and God is me As we flow in the heavens Life gifts and gifts from the heavens A starry, starry night And dreams I see of you and me And all there be It's perfect in the light of thee A starry, starry night I step this day into you and all I knew Is love is always new The gift it be is life you see And now I know that you are me And I am thee Always and forever the flow that be In the stars you see All eternal and energy of thee And I love all you be Thank God for the day and all thy play And blessings to all On this starry, starry night And the heavens we be Dr. Rob Read More @ Source

Dr. Rob Kiltz Talks with Skaneateles High School Students about Dreams

The day that fertility specialist Dr. Robert Kiltz visited Skaneateles High School, students in Rick Garrett's biology class were expecting to learn about medicine, fertility and birth. But the lessons ended up being about living life, dreaming big, reaching high and taking risks. "What is YOUR dream?" Kiltz asked students as he worked his way around the big circle he had asked students to make with their desks. He waited patiently during uncomfortable pauses and laughter as students tried to come up with answers. "Dream big. Dream stupid," he urged students. "We don't take enough risk. Why? Fear of failure. But failure is OK. The more you fail the more you grow. How many times did Edison fail?" Kiltz wasn't always the successful fertility specialist with four clinics and 160 employees throughout New York State. He had dyslexia and struggled as a young student. "I grew up on the streets in LA in the wrong peer group," he sai...

Skaneateles Students Learn to Catch Dreams: Inspired by Lynne Cox

Photo of Sandy Drancsak, gym teacher, teaching about dreams to State Street School kids Written by Lori Ruhlman Lessons inspired by Lynne Cox, Students learn to catch dreams In addition to running and jumping during physical education classes at State Street School this fall, students are dreaming. Yes, dreaming. Physical Education teacher Sandy Drancsak is challenging students to dream about their futures, put those dreams in writing, and outline actual steps they can take to achieve their dreams. Students' dreams are appearing on clouds drawn on sheets of paper that line the hallways at the elementary school. "We want you to be dream catchers," Drancsak told fourth graders during a recent class, as they sat around her on the gym floor. She challenged students to start by coming up with a big dream. Next, she explained how people achieve dreams or wishes by setting goals. "How do we catch dreams? By taking baby steps," she said, explaining that th...

Live a Conscious Life ~ Judith’s weekly tips

  "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) Do you have the strength it takes to live a conscious life? In order to answer this question we need to look at what a conscious life is. The best way to do this is to look at the three levels of consciousness. First we have unconscious ; which means you are functioning and awake, but not paying much attention to your life or anything around you. An analogy for this would be; if life is like an iceberg and you were unconscious, you would crash into the iceberg before you were aware it was there and you would sink. Living life semi-consciously is when you believe your own stories. Anything that is not a pure fact is simply a story. Your stories are sometimes judgmental, opinionated and simply not the truth. We make some of our biggest mistakes when we are operating in a semi-conscious mode, because we only have partial facts. And what...

Centered Silliness: Laughing Meditation

When we laugh, we give ourselves over to the immediacy of the present moment and transcend stress. Many people might be surprised to think of laughter as a form of meditation. Yet not only is laughing meditation one of the simplest forms of meditation, but also it is a very powerful one. The physical act of laughing is one of the few actions involving the body, emotions, and the soul. When we laugh, we give ourselves over to the immediacy of the present moment. We also are able to momentarily transcend minor physical and mental stresses. Practiced in the morning, laughing meditation can lend a joyful quality to the entire day. Practiced in the evening, laughing meditation is a potent relaxant that has been known to inspire pleasant dreams. Laughter also can help open our eyes to previously unnoticed absurdities that can make life seem less serious. There are three stages to mindful laughter. Each stage can last anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes. The first stage involves stretching ...

Be the Solution Weekend

Be the Solution Global Movement Begins in October 2012!! We have a vision that when people are aligned with their gifts and share them with others, recognizing there are unique differences, and commit to being fully who they are meant to be, we can create a ripple of possibility that travels throughout the world! We have a belief that when individuals are AWARE of their thoughts, CONNECTED to their feelings, CONSCIOUS of their decisions and COMMITTED to Positive Action, we can create a greater impact in our local communities and throughout the world. We have a belief that when we focus on the outcomes we desire and listen with intention, we are able to unite for a common cause. We believe that when we focus on solutions instead of challenges, we generate conversations that yield enhanced results. We have a desire to create ACCEPTANCE OF OTHERS in our schools, at work and in our communities. We want to start local and spread globally. Will you join us? Saturday October 27,...

Habitual Anger: Unblocking the Ally

Anger can easily become our go-to emotion; to remedy, start noticing when and why you get angry. Sometimes when we feel anger, it is coming from a deep place that demands acknowledgment and expression. At these times, it is important that we find healthy ways to honor our anger, remembering how dangerous it is to repress it. However, anger can also become a habit, our go-to emotion whenever things go wrong. Often this is because, for whatever reason, we feel more comfortable expressing anger than we do other emotions, like sadness. It can also be that getting angry gives us the impression that we've done something about our problem. In these cases, our habitual anger is inhibiting both our ability to express our other emotions and to take action in our lives. If it's true that anger is functioning this way in your life, the first thing you might want to try is to notice when you get angry. You might begin to see a pattern of some kind. For example, you could notice that...

Local Skaneateles Kids Read About Lynne Cox for Motivation and Inspiration

by Lori Ruhlman Skaneateles High School tenth grader Haley Buchholz was preparing to "Escape from the Judge" over Labor Day when she learned some exciting news: record-breaking long distance swimmer Lynne Cox would soon be visiting Skaneateles. "My mom thought I was crazy," Buchholz said about how excited she got when she read the news in her race packet before jumping into the lake for her mile swim to shore. Buchholz, an avid reader and a member of the girls' swim team, has long dreamed of meeting swimmer and author Lynne Cox. She could barely believe it when she learned Cox would come to Skaneateles the week of October 7-14. In addition to many other activities and events, Cox will speak to students in Skaneateles Schools during the day on October 11, and to the entire community at 7 p.m. October 11 in the high school auditorium. Buchholz read "Swimming to Antarctica" by Lynne Cox when she was in seventh grade. She and a group of other s...

Dr. Rob Kiltz Welcomes Lynne Cox to Skaneateles: She’s an Author, Open Water Swimmer, Motivational Speaker

by Lori Ruhlman Community units to welcome Lynne Cox: author, open water swimmer, motivational speaker. A dream of bringing a record-breaking long distance swimmer and acclaimed author to Skaneateles Central Schools has expanded to involve and unite the entire community. Motivational speaker Lynne Cox will be in Skaneateles the week of October 7 to meet with students and community members. She is the author of "Swimming to Antarctica" and several other books. Cox will share stories about her incredible swimming achievements – including a swim across the Bering Strait that helped open relations between the US and Soviet Union in 1987. She first burst into the world spotlight when she swam across the English Channel at age 15 in 1972, shattering the men's and women's world records with a time of nine hours and 57 minutes. She has been swimming ever since. As her story has spread throughout Skaneateles, many groups and organizations have joined in the effor...

An Invitation to Love: Angel Meditation

A meditation with your angels can provide a new gentleness into your normal meditation routine. Though your host of spirit guides encompasses many diverse beings, all of which willingly watch over you, meditating with angels can be a uniquely insightful experience. The angels stationed at your side are both powerful and knowledgeable—they possess a limitless understanding of your needs and desires, your strengths and weaknesses, and your purpose. However, angels take an active part in our lives only when invited to do so. Meditation allows you to make contact with your angels and lovingly request that they participate actively in your day-to-day life. To begin, retreat to a solitary place where you won't be distracted by concerns. Incense and candlelight may aid you in achieving a meditative state but are not necessary. However, laying an image of an angel, angel statue, or item symbolizing your angels before you can focus your thoughts. Sit comfortably, breathe deeply, and...

Those Who Came Before: Turning to Ancestors for Guidance

Our ancestors represent another wellspring from which we may draw for they, too, can act as our spirit guides. Many entities assume the role of spirit guide. Throughout our lives, we may call upon angels, animal and nature spirits, ascended masters, and celestial guardians for aid, protection, and support. Our ancestors represent another wellspring from which we may draw wisdom in times of need for they, too, can act as our spirit guides. Since our forbears spent at least one lifetime experiencing the tribulations that are a part of human existence, the perspective they can offer is a uniquely grounded one. Ancestral spirit guides can empathize with our fears and our frailties, worry, temptation, and feelings of insecurity. Once you have requested their guidance, they will see to it that you emerge unscathed on the far side of conflicts and are well-equipped to fulfill your potential. If your relationship with your relatives was strained when they were earthbound or you feel di...

Fewer Muscles to Laugh

PSSSST! I've got the facts on laughter. Did you know it takes fewer muscles to laugh than it does to frown? A good, hearty laugh positively affects 15 major organs in your body??!! I'll bet you didn't know that 3 minutes of good, hard belly laughter is equal to 20 minutes of strenuous rowing!! It's true. Belly laughter stretches the muscles from the diaphragm all the way up to the scalp. That stretch releases the tension that causes fatigue – stress – and headaches. Do whatever it takes to add a little laughter to your day. ~~~ Yvonne Conte, Motivational Humorist Humor Advantage, Inc. 4736 Onondaga Blvd., Ste. 231 Syracuse, NY 13219 Yvonne Conte Website Voice: 315.487.3771 Fax: 315.487.5633  E-mail Yvonne here   Read More @ Source

Live Telecast~Twin Flames and Soul Mates

~TWIN FLAMES & SOUL MATES~ Live Telecast with Sheila Applegate Thursday, Oct 4, 2012 at 7PM EST (recording available at your convenience) $ 26 Join me this Thursday Oct, 4 at 7 pm EST For a Powerful and Enlightening Telecast on: TWIN FLAMES AND SOUL MATES~ What do these labels really mean? How do I navigate the dynamics of deep soul mate and twin flame relationships on earth? How can I find my Twin Flame or Soul Mate? How do these connections support my journey to remembering Oneness? How can I master these partnerships to serve others? Submit your questions ~ I want to answer what is in your heart! Class will include Lively Discussion, Guided Meditation and Channeled Message! Access this Class from around the world via telephone or internet~ If you are not available to join in us at the time of class register anyway and listen to the recording at your own convenience. Register Now For $ 26 and receive a $ 50 gift certificate toward future c...

Fewer Muscles to Laugh

PSSSST! I've got the facts on laughter. Did you know it takes fewer muscles to laugh then it does to frown? A good, hearty laugh positively affects 15 major organs in your body??!! I'll bet you didn't know that 3 minutes of good, hard belly laughter is equal to 20 minutes of strenuous rowing!! It's true. Belly laughter stretches the muscles from the diaphragm all the way up to the scalp. That stretch releases the tension that causes fatigue – stress – and headaches. Do whatever it takes to add a little laughter to your day. — ~~~ Yvonne Conte, Motivational Humorist Humor Advantage, Inc. 4736 Onondaga Blvd., Ste. 231 Syracuse, NY 13219 Yvonne Conte Website Voice: 315.487.3771 Fax: 315.487.5633  E-mail Yvonne here   Read More @ Source

Intention and Intuition: The Purpose of an Altar

The purpose of having an altar in your home can be as simple as reminding you to take time for serenity each day. If you didn't grow up with an altar in your home, having an altar now may seem like an exotic and unattainable idea. Yet having an altar does not have to be complicated or difficult, nor does it need to be based on a religion or a set of ideas that don't seem to relate to you. An altar can be a simple, personal expression of what you want to focus on right now. You do not have to build anything or take up a lot of space. You do not have to buy anything new or follow a complex set of instructions to create your altar. All you have to do is have a general understanding of what an altar is and the willingness to allow yourself access to this wonderful, ancient tool of transformation. At its most essential, an altar is simply a raised structure that serves as a resting place for meaningful objects. It focuses the eye and provides a place for contemplation and, i...

Faith in Your Direction – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hello and good morning. A beautiful day and into the discomfort of the universe I come. The discomfort of the universe is the most amazing thing we live every day. Feel the amazing discomfort every day and love. Have faith in your direction and know where you're going. Have faith that it's moving in the right way. Have faith that every failure you've ever had and will ever have is part of God's creativity of the universe. Have faith that every relationship that you've ever come across has been the gift of the gods. Have faith that you're moving in the right direction this day and every day. Faith and love, that's all that matters. My blessings to you this day and every day. This is Dr. Rob sharing love of life. Read More @ Source

Observing Evolution: Allowing Others to Walk Their Paths

It is important to allow others to walk their own path because it is just that, their own path. Watching a loved one or a peer traverse a path littered with stumbling blocks can be immensely painful. We instinctively want to guide them toward a safer track and share with them the wisdom we have acquired through experience. Yet all human beings have the right to carve their own paths without being unduly influenced by outside interference. To deny them that right is to deny them enlightenment, as true insight cannot be conveyed in lectures. Rather, each individual must earn independence and illumination by making decisions and reflecting upon the consequences of each choice. In allowing others to walk their paths freely, you honor their right to express their humanity in whatever way they see fit. Though you may not agree with or identify with their choices, understand that each person must learn in their own way and at their own pace. The events and circumstances that shape our...

3 Easy Ways to Be Present & Relieve Stress ~ Judith’s weekly tips

Being in the present moment relieves stress, eases anxiety, and assists you to build a stronger immune system. Stress can sneak up on you and create both mental and physical problems sometimes before you realize it has struck. We are so used to being stressed that it takes an overwhelming amount for us to finally pay attention to it. It does not need to be this way. I was at Kripalu (retreat and Yoga center) this past weekend and I noticed my stress level dropping more each minute. I spent a bit of time trying to figure out why Yoga class at Kripalu was more relaxing than my Yoga at home, or why my meditation was deeper at Kripalu. Even my walks felt more centered and alive. Then a light bulb went off. It was because I was completely present. There were no meals to cook, work to do, or anyone needing anything from me. It made it very easy to be in the present moment all weekend. Every morning at Kripalu the dining room has a silent breakfast. It is easy to be present when yo...