Dr. Rob’s OM2, April 9, 2012

Dr. Rob shares his words of love…

Good morning, Dr. Rob.  Another awesome and amazing day in the universe.  As I think and practice, think and practice, and think and practice, and always reading and learning something, and I think on my mind this day is we're pushed and shoved—the ego mind.  The I'm in charge.  I'm the center and creator of all things.  Somehow our minds are, but it pushes and shoves right back at us, and often when we least expect it.  We take things personally assume often the worst of others and situations.  It's a natural instinct for all of us.  It's our survival past, the fight or flight, the run or hide, or lash out.  All of us are a product of that.  Each and every day we need to practice the words of love, and teacher.  We all experience life in our own minds and our own path.  Yet our paths do cross and we want to make them loving, kind, and generous.  Often, we push and shove.  Step back, forgive yourself.  We all make mistakes, it is natural; but they teach us to continue on the path.  It's the perfect way.  Time and experience is the healer, and most of all, the daily practice of reading, writing, listening creates the heart.  The heart is the mind, and the mind is the perfect heart.  Allow yourself to see the perfect nature of the ups and down, the bumps and ripples, the pushes and shoves; for they instruct us to keep on the path loving and caring every day.  Keep on the path with love, joy, harmony, and happiness. Remember, no matter what happens, Please forgive me, I love you, I make many mistakes in the day, I'm working and practicing to do better.  Share and love.  God Bless, Dr. Rob.  Another awesome and amazing day in the universe.  Enjoy the day.

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